However, He Didn’t Serve That Time…

Frank Lucas used coffins from dead United States soldiers to smuggle his drugs directly into the country, cutting out the “middle men” of the mafia.
At the time, several military personnel died in the Vietnam War. With this in mind, Lucas’ drugs were coming from Southeast Asia.
“Who the hell is gonna look in a dead soldier’s coffin?” Frank reportedly asked. Lucas said he had 28 government coffin replicas equipped with “false bottoms, big enough to load up with six, maybe eight kilos.”
Well, Frank was eventually caught and arrested in 1975 by DEA agents and sentenced to 70 years. But of course, facing practically life in prison, you’ll sing like a canary, right?
Apparently, in exchange for information leading to several drug-related arrests, he was released in 1981.
But, just three years later, Lucas was involved in another drug bust. As a parole violation, he ended up spending seven more years behind bars for the bust.
Prior to Lucas’ death, mostly in his prime, he owned property in Chicago, Miami, Detroit, New York, New Jersey, North Carolina, and Puerto Rico, according to TMZ.
Reportedly, all of his assets were seized after the raids. Yet, the source states that he had accumulated a net worth of $52 million.