George Foreman Blasts 2 Women For "Trying To Extort" Him For Millions With Assault Claims

George Foreman Blasts 2 Women For “Trying To Extort” Him For Millions With Assault Claims

George Foreman

Boxing icon, George Foreman, is ready for another fight…except this one will be a legal battle against two women he says are attempting to extort him with lies and concocted claims from 40 years ago.

According to TMZ Sports, “a lawsuit against Foreman is expected to be filed in L.A. this week by two women whose fathers apparently had a friendship and working relationship with Foreman decades ago. The suit…is expected to allege that Foreman sexually abused the women in the 1970s.”

However, Foreman released a statement Wednesday (7/12/22), adamantly denying the women’s apparent upcoming claims. Here’s what he had to say:

George Forman – “Over the past six months, two women have been trying to extort millions of dollars each from me and my family. They are falsely claiming that I sexually abused them over 45 years ago in the 1970s.”

Foreman continued:

G.F. – “I adamantly and categorically deny these allegations. The pride I take in my reputation means as much to me as my sports accomplishments, and I will not be intimidated by baseless threats and lies.”

It’s also being reported that Foreman and his team say the upcoming claims are “a coordinated extortion plot” by two women who have been asking Foreman to pay them $12.5 million EACH, ever since January of this year (2022).

For the record, Foreman’s current net worth is reportedly $300 million. But he clearly is not trying to dish out approximately $24M’s over what he says are straight up bogus claims against him. That was evident in the following statement, where Foreman pretty much vows to fight this upcoming legal battle with everything in him:

G.F. – “I am, and always will be, guided by my faith and trust in God. I will work with my lawyers to fully and truthfully expose my accusers’ scheme and defend myself in court. I don’t pick fights, but I don’t run away from them either.”

So, in other words: Don’t start nothin’…won’t be nothin’, is basically what the boxing OG seems to be saying.

We’ll keep y’all posted on this as more info surfaces.

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