As we all continue to watch the racism in America emerge it’s ugly head, each day it seems there are more and more radical, hypocritical statements, tweets, and outbursts from the president and his colleagues.
One such colleague of Trump is Walmart CEO, Douglas McMillon, who made a hypocritical move a few days ago, with his statement and affirmation that clearly contradicted themselves regarding Trump’s vague statements on White supremacists groups that held the racist rally in Charlottesville, Va.
Trump caused fury by condemning both sides (White extremists groups and counter protesters) and at one point refusing to directly call out the White supremicts groups for spreading hatred that left one counter-protester, Heather Heyer, dead at the Charlottseville Rally. After Trump’s statements, KKK politician, David Duke, thanked Trump on social media.
Walmart CEO’s Contradictory Moves

That’s when Walmart CEO, McMillon, seemed to be one of the few people on Trump’s staff who was taking a stance against him and in part he did…until his actions didn’t back up his words. In an employee memo posted for his million+ employees, Douglas McMillon, wrote:
“As we watched the events and the response from President Trump over the weekend, we too felt that he missed a critical opportunity to help bring our country together by unequivocally rejecting the appalling actions of white supremacists.” (Read the full memo here).
That was all fine and dandy, until The New York Times also confirmed that McMillon has no plans to vacate his job on Trump’s council, much like the seven other execs on Trump’s manufacturing council had done just days earlier:
Via The NY Times: Mr. McMillon of Walmart has chosen to remain on the president’s economic advisory council, despite his criticisms.
So at that point, Douglas McMillon received major backlash and was called out for putting up a facade in public, just to save face for Walmart, while still getting money with Trump
Ginuwine’s Reaction To Walmart CEO
It is McMillon’s hypocritical moves that now has singer, Ginuwine, and many of his fans vowing to make the switch to Target, Publix, Costco, Kroger and any other Walmart competitor. On Instagram, Ginuwine made his stance very clear, precise, and to the point:
@ginuwine: I for one will never be back in Walmart this shit is getting outta hand WOW!!!
His fans followed:
Thoughts ILOSM fam?’