Howard Stern’s Response: ‘Jealous B…You Are Nobody To Me’
At first, Stern started off on a more civil note:
“What evidence do you have that I’m Hollywood, honey? I grew up a scumbag and I’m still treated like a scumbag … What because I found success now I’m ‘Hollywood?’ What cause I know Jimmy Kimmel? Who am I hanging out with? She doesn’t know who I’m hanging out with. She doesn’t know what I do in this world. She doesn’t know who I’m f—king with.”
Then he turned it up:
“All she talks on that show is about Hollywood,” he continued. “That’s as Hollywood as you get. If anyone in Hollywood called her to hang out, she’d [be there] in two seconds. All of that is a projection!”
And then Stern turned ALL the way up:
“Jealous b—h. … You are nobody to me … You’ll never be me, Wendy,” he fumed. “You’ll never be me. You can pretend to be me, you can pretend to be like me, but you’re not. You don’t have my wit and you don’t have my talent. … You couldn’t have that career. You’re a fly.”