Jennifer Hudson Hits Ex With Harsh Truth To Block His Bold Requests In Bitter Custody Battle - Page 2 of 3

Jennifer Hudson Hits Ex With Harsh Truth To Block His Bold Requests In Bitter Custody Battle

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She disputes he’s the ‘better’ parent…
For starters, Jennifer is counteracting the David’s claim that he has been the primary caregiver for their son, due to her consistent travel and being away from home for singing/acting gigs and such. Matter of fact, she alleged that David is trying to build a career much like hers and that simply because he has yet to do so, doesn’t make him a more fit parent, just a hypocrite for accusing her of doing the very thing that he is trying to do:

Via MailOnline: She “denies that her working and David either not working or professing not to work makes him more fit to personally care for the child in the City where the child attends school.” Her legal team added, “To accept David’s proposition that because he is present, he is a better parent would be to do a disservice to working parents in general and to Jennifer in particular.”

Then Jennifer Got All The Way Real…This Had To Sting>>>

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