Jussie’s Team Rejects Text Messages Claim
The full list of text exchanges between Jussie and Abel, in the days before and after the attack, were released by Chicago P.D.. In it, Jussie is setting up a face-to-face meeting with Abel. As reported, the Osundairo brothers both claim that Jussie met with them the prior to the attack to ‘rehearse’ exactly how he wanted the “attack” to go down.
Though the text messages appear to corroborate the brothers’ stories, Jussie’s team says that is a lie and that what he was really arranging was a meeting with Abel to discuss getting herbal steroids from Nigeria:
Sources directly tied to Smollett say the media has mischaracterized a text he sent to Abel Osundairo 4 days before the incident, where he said, “Might need your help on the low. You around to meet up and talk face to face?”
Our sources say Smollett insists the texts had nothing to do with a fake attack. Instead, he says the text was referencing a herbal steroid that reduces belly fat that was illegal in the U.S. According to his camp, Smollett said he wanted Abel to buy the pills when he went to Nigeria. And they note, shortly after receiving the text, Abel googled “banned supplements” and “steroids” on his phone.