K.Michelle Vividly Exposes Idris Elba's Sex Game & Compares Herself To His Fiancée

K.Michelle Vividly Exposes Idris Elba’s Sex Game & Compares Herself To His Fiancée

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One of the things that people love, or hate, about singer and “Love & Hip Hop” reality star K. Michelle, is that ol’ girl extremely candid. Not one to hold anything back, K.Michelle is known for giving it to folks straight, with no chaser. Recently, she stopped by the show, “Hollywood Unlocked,” where she opened up on her relationship with Idris and what it’s like to be with him in bed. Yep, she’s giving waaaay too much info, but here it is…

K. Michelle Speaks On Her Relationship With Idris Elba:

While Idris Elba has never spoken on his relationship with K.Michelle, you can count on her to always bring it up. Matter of fact, she references their reported 8 month affair often. It’s public knowledge that he directed her “Rebellious Soul” musical however, Elba hasn’t confirmed, nor denied their past relationship. In case you missed it, her 2014 album “Anybody Wanna Buy A Heart?,” was primarily about her alleged relationship with the British Hollywood star and quite frankly, it sounds like K. is missing Id’ something SERIOUS.

In an interview with Jason Lee, K. Michelle, or Kimberly as she now wants to be called, shared how she first met Idris.

Idris And K. Michelle Met At A Industry Party:

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In 2013, K.Michelle was hot. Her career was poppin’ and she was on cloud 9 after being given a second chance to revitalize her previously stagnant career. After winning a “Soul Train” award, she was feeling good and her night would continue to improve when she apparently caught the attention of Idris Elba:

“You know what got him? I was at ‘Soul Train Awards,’ I had won Best New Artist and at that time, I was hanging a lot around Meek [Mill],” she said. And at that time, me and Meek never slept together. We never dated. We were super cool, he had wanted me to sign to Dreamchasers and all of that, we were both same label, everything. I just thought, ‘Oh, he cute, I’ll probably end up talking to Meek or something.’ So after the Atlantic PR, I’m walking off the stage and I hear this accent and it says, ‘K. Michelle, you’re beautiful.’ I was like, ‘Oh f–k. This A-list ni–a trying to f–k on me.’ I told him to his face, ‘Your jeans too tight and your accent’s funny.’ I didn’t have no…I was straight out of Memphis.”

At the time, K. Michelle claims that she was dating NBA star, J.R. Smith, but she learned that he wasn’t faithful. According to K., as she was arguing with J.R.’s other woman, she heard Idris Elba dedicate a song to her:

“He did the sweetest thing ever at the ‘Soul Train Awards,'” K.Michelle said. “Flava Flav was DJing, and he was like, ‘This song is dedicated to K. Michelle.’ It was like, ‘Never trust a big butt and a smile.’ And I was going off. I remember having a cell phone and I was fighting with J.R. Smith’s girlfriend. That was the first dude! I thought I was poppin’, I had this basketball player, I loved me some J.R. Smith. I had loved that ol’ hood man. And we had stopped talking, so his girl called me and I was in the middle of the floor…and I hear ‘Never trust a big butt and a smile.’ I didn’t give him my number, my bodyguard said, ‘Ni–a, you should f–k with him, I gave him your number.’ So he text me and said, ‘I’m going to this party,’ I said, ‘I’m going too.’ So I went, but I went with Wale. Me and Wale like brother and sister. So he sent me a text like, ‘Ouch, but not out.’ I was like, ‘What the f–k is that?’ I was like, ‘Speak in English. What is that?’ He was like, you were there with Wale or whatever, and I was like, no, that was my friend. So he came to L.A., I came to L.A., we were both going to L.A. the same day, and that was just history.”

Idris and Kim Dated For 8 Months But She Soon Learned She Wasn’t The Only One:

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While Idris and K.Michelle never used titles to define their relationship, K.Michelle alleges that they were very much together. Their relationship was not a secret, but what K. Michelle didn’t know is that Idris had another relationship brewing in the U.K. She found out the information when Idris took someone else on the red carpet:

“Yeah we weren’t like, ‘This is my boyfriend.’ We didn’t hide though,” K. Michelle said. People thought it was such an odd situation, but we would go out. We got kicked out comedy clubs for him heckling, all types of stuff. I didn’t talk about it. I wanted him to know that I wasn’t trying to pull anything. I never wanted to be that girl. So everybody around me knew. His management, my management. When he took the baby mama, and I later found about it, he took her to the [red] carpet, they was trying to calm me down. I was tweeting little stuff. But I didn’t know. I didn’t know that that woman was pregnant and around him in the UK. He was so charming. You know what he told me? He would never be committed to one woman. And he said I would be taken care of. I would be fine. But he would never commit to one woman.

Despite the fact that Idris allegedly told K.Michelle that he wouldn’t commit to one woman, she was surprised when he announced his engagement to Sabrina Dhowre. However, K. admitted that she knew her and Idris were not meant to be:

“So you know me, I’m like ‘Damn, b—h!'” she said.“You know what I’m saying? You had some sh-t I didn’t have. You had some sauce. You know, men are different with different women. That wasn’t supposed to be my man. But out of every relationship I’ve been in, I learned the most from him. It wasn’t a volatile, angry — he didn’t bring out real cursing. He was a gentleman. Very supportive.”

K.Michelle Still Remembers That Idris Elba Had Skills In The Bedroom:

K.Michelle has nothing bad to say about Idris and she even boasted about the brotha’s skills in the bedroom:

“No! Amazing head!” she said. “Jason, it was good. I remember that head.”

Like we said, K. Michelle tells it all, with no filter- you’ll either love her or hate her, but she’s always her authentic self.

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