Kandi Tells Intimate Detail About Tiny's Daughter On Her B-Day That Raises Questions About Her Dad

Kandi Tells Intimate Detail About Tiny’s Daughter On Her B-Day That Raises Questions About Her Dad

We all know that “Real Housewives of Atlanta” star, Kandi Burruss, and her Xscape sistas go way back like Cracker Jacks, but Kandi just proved exactly how close-knit they really are. Well…at least how close she is and has always been with her group member, Tiny Harris…as for the other two – Tamika and LaTocha Scott- they’re still working on repairing that 18 year beef with their sis,’ Kandi. Anyways, back to Kandi and Tiny.

Celebrities Visit SiriusXM - March 5, 2018
Kandi Burruss  (Photo by Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images)

Kandi Reveals Fun Fact About Tiny’s Daughter

On Tuesday (March 20, 2018), Tiny’s daughter/singer, Zonnique, celebrated her 22 birthday and Kandi took to Instagram to send b-day wishes to her. In doing so, she revealed a previously unknown fact about the day Zonnique was born that took many of her fans by surprise. It was actually Kandi, who did what dads would normally have the honor of doing in the delivery room during Zonnique’s birth:

Happy birthday gorgeous!!!! @zonniquejailee I remember the day you were born. I video taped you coming out & @majorgirl let me cut your cord. I was so happy & excited! You we’re beautiful as a baby & you’ve grown to be a beautiful woman both inside & out. I hope you’re having an amazing bday! Give @zonniquejailee some bday love y’all.


Where Was Zonnique’s Daddy?

After learning that Kandi cut Tiny’s umbilical cord, many are wondering where Zonnique’s biological father, Zebo, was during that moment. That answer is still unclear, but what we do know, is that Tiny’s relationship with him ended when Zonnique was 3 and Tiny later met her now-husband, T.I., who’s raised Zonnique since she was 5 years old, according to Tiny. However, Zonnique does apparently have some contact with her biological father, but not much. That was evident when Zonnique had to interject into a very heated online argument Tiny had with Zebo’s wife, Cheryl, a while back.

The Heated Argument Between Tiny & Zonnique’s Stepmom

As we previously reported, Tiny had an all out war with Zonnique’s stepmother, Cheryl, right there on social media for ALL the world to see. But after seeing how Tiny and her daughter blasted back, the stepmom probably wishes she would have just picked up the phone to iron out their grievances. This turned really bad, REALLY fast…(contains graphic language below).

How the stepmom beef started…
It all started innocently enough, T.I. posted a photo of himself (below) with his stepdaughter, Zonnique, and the simple caption, “Mines!!!!”…

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T.I.’s post (via Instagram)

The stepmom, Cheryl, slammed T.I.’s post, with a post of her own – a side by side photo of T.I. with his biological daughter, Deyjah, and T.I.’s stepdaughter, Zonnique, with her biological dad, Zebo, with the caption, “Enough said @Troubleman31…

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Social media post shared by Zonnique’s stepmom, Cheryl

Then all HELL broke lose after Tiny saw it…
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Cheryl then took shots at T.I.’s and Tiny’s parenting skills, insinuating that they put up a front for the cameras: “Ain’t no parent of the year award being given over there until them cameras rolling.” Of course Tiny clapped back yet again…

1d tiny stepmom
1c tiny comment

Zonnique jumps in, checks stepmother…
Zonnique got tired of watching the battle over her, so she jumped in and traded online blows with the stepmom:

1a tiny daughter comment

Ouch! That at least had to hurt Zonnique’s biological father, Zebo, but his kid is speaking her truth. Her stepmom, Cheryl, responded though…

1b tiny stepmom comment

And so did Zonnique…again…

1c tiny daughter comment

And BOOM! Zonnique drops mic, shuts down entire convo.

Tiny & T.I. Big Up Zonnique On Her B-Day

On a lighter note, y’all already know Tiny showered her grown baby with some b-day love on Instagram, like the proud mommy she is and so did Zonnique’s step-daddy, whom she just refers to as “daddy”:

This first picture has to be my favorite one of my 1st 💙💙💙 my life size Barbie, my heartbeat, my superstar @zonniquejailee Happy 22nd birthday to the most gorgeous, Blessing I coulda ever asked for. You changed my life for the better the day you were born. My most proud moment is being your mother. Always & forever, I Got Your Back!!! We turning up tonight!! Love you more than life it’s self! 🙏🏽👑💙🎊🎉 #BlueFor22 #Zonnique #1st💙💙💙 #MyLuvBug 💓💓



One thing is certain, that despite in tension that went down, Zonnique is definitely surrounded by love.

Source, Source2

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