Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Goes OFF About Ben Carson's Muslim Comments

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Goes OFF About Ben Carson’s Muslim Comments

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NBA legend, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, is pissed that Republican Presidential nominee and Tea Party favorite, Dr. Ben Carson, said a disrespectful statement in his recent interview. As you know, Kareem follows the Islamic faith, just as millions of other people are in this country. When Carson was asked if he thought that a person of Islamic faith should be allowed to run the country he adamantly said he sternly disagrees with that and that they should never be granted that opportunity. See what else he said here:

Kareem Abdul Jabbar made an excellent point with his argument and he summed it up well when he said, “I don’t think that Ben Carson knows many Muslims at all because if he did he would’t be saying those things.”

To simply generalize ALL people based on their religious beliefs and say that they should never be given equal opportunity to run for president is NO different than saying that he himself, as a Black man and former welfare recipient (which he now dispises, we’ll get into that in a second) should NEVER have an opportunity to do the very thing he’s doing right now-trying to earn a spot in the White House.

Ben Carson’s also generalizes welfare recipients. He recently appeared on The View and said this about ALL people on welfare…

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