There was a time when Kelis and Nas’ marriage seemed like the perfect blend of Hip Hop and R&B. Nas, an iconic voice within the Hip Hop community, met Kelis at an MTV Video Music Awards party in 2002. Within three years they were married and by 2010, they were divorced. During that time, Kelis gave birth to their son, Knight, and both she and Nas have been locked in a nasty custody battle for years. The contention between the two may stem from their horrific marriage, but now Kelis can count a small victory on her side.
Unhappily Ever After
Last year Kelis finally broke her silence about she and Nas’ marriage. In an interview with Hollywood Unlocked, she revealed disturbing claims about mental and physical abuse between the two of them. She also admitted that their marriage was a roller coaster ride of intense highs and lows.
“An intense low….we had a lot. It was really dark. A lot of drinking. A lot of mental and physical abuse and it got to the point where if I wasn’t pregnant, I might have stayed with him.” Kelis stated. “I was pregnant and it was a mess and I felt like I wasn’t going to bring a child into this.”
Although they’ve been divorced for almost a decade, their bitter custody battle continues to rage on. Earlier this year ILOSM reported on Nas filing court documents to hold Kelis on 20 counts of contempt. The two agreed to split their time with Knight over the holidays, with Kelis taking Christmas and Nas taking New Year’s. When it came time for Kelis to send Knight to his Father, she flipped the script by taking him out of the country to Colombia.

Kelis plead ‘Not Guilty’ to the contempt charges and they were scheduled for a court date on June 20.