If you guessed Empire actress Taraji P. Henson you are correct! And judging by the way Lamar speaks about her they both had something truly beautiful. According to Madame Noire the two of them met around 2008 and struck up a relationship that soon turned into love. And Taraji felt comfortable enough to let Lamar into the most intimate parts of her life.
“We started secretly dating and quickly fell in love,” he continued.
“She introduced me to her fourteen-year-old son, Marcel, and was at my house nearly every day. Sometimes she’d bring some of her Hollywood friends, like actress Sanaa Lathan who starred in Love And Basketball,” he wrote.
“I don’t think I ever connected with another black woman as deeply as I did Taraji.” However, their relationship soon ended because of infidelity. “Things were amazing, but of course, God gave me a layup and I blew it.”
Taking his broken heart elsewhere Lamar soon married Khloe afterwards and referring to their relationship as tumultuous is an understatement. Still, hearing the wonderful things he had to say about Taraji just proves that she’s the real deal. And he probably still kicks himself thinking about the one that got away.