Kirk Franklin has accomplished great feats throughout his musical career. He’s won 12 Grammy’s, had several multiplatinum albums and more. When it comes to his personal life though, he proves that just like us regular folks, he’s had his fair shares of ups, downs, and outright traumatic hardships. That brings us to what he revealed about his dying Father- whom Kirk had just met weeks before his Father passed away in October 2018- and the tearful revelation he’s gained as a result of their meeting.
Kirk Franklin Shares Details Of Emotional 1st Meeting With Dying Father
The 49-year-old gospel legend was abandoned by his parents as child. He was then adopted at 4-years-old by his then 64-year-old maternal grandmother, Gertrude – who coincidentally sold aluminum cans to earn money to pay for piano lessons for Kirk at that time. Well, as an adult, Kirk was grateful to finally have met his Father during his Dad’s last days of life. Here is the emotional post he shared on Instagram on Sunday, Aug. 16, 2018:

Kirk Franklin: “So…..Two days ago, I received an anonymous call that my biological father, who I never knew, has 3-6 months to live. I’ve lived my entire life hating this man. He and my biological mother gave me up for adoption, and it left me never feeling good enough….to this very day.
I took my hate for him and used it as fuel to be the best father I could be for my own. But what I did wrong, is I never took that fuel, and turn it into forgiveness….and that is wrong. Wrong for him, me, and the God I proclaim to represent.
How can I preach what I don’t practice. So I flew to Houston yesterday to do that. It’s painful, it’s a process, but how disappointed I would be in myself for this man to leave this earth without being forgiven. He deserves to receive what God gives me everyday. Pray for him, and for me. God this is hard…I weep as I write.”
In prior interviews and blogs, Kirk explained some of the “most painful memories” of his childhood, in which he gave details about incidents he endured as a result of his his parents. See details below…