This Isn’t Paris’ First Time Handling Family Business…

The Blast reported that Kristoff was found dead in his residence. “He has a history of alcohol abuse, bipolar disorder and suicidal ideations,” the coroner’s report mentions.
With regard to his possessions, the source obtained documents noting recent activity from Paris St. John. She just petitioned the court in Los Angeles to become the administrator of her late father’s estate.
Note: The source also mentions Kristoff’s net value is estimated at $122,000.
While Paris is fighting for the estate, her mother — Mia St. John — is weighing her own legal options. She believes the mental health facility where Kristoff was admitted didn’t properly treat his mental illness for addiction. According to People, the report mentioned as follows.
“He was released from a mental health hospital on 02/01/2019 following a 72-hour hold. No suicide note was found. No trauma is noted and no foul play is suspected in this case.”
“In early March, Kristoff was laid to rest next to the grave of his son Julian St. John, who died by suicide in 2014,” the source reports. “Friends and family gathered at the Calvary Community Church in Westlake, California, where he was buried, to celebrate his life.”
Interesting enough, the family blames Telecare Corporation for Julian’s death as well.
Via Twitter, Paris tweeted the following statement to the mental health facility:
“You caused my brother’s death @Julian4Justice You neglected him and falsified the records so you wouldn’t get caught. The employees hid evidence so when the paramedics came they didn’t know what happened. Ur CEO Anne Bakar did nothing except justify all of the deaths at #TELECARE.”
All in all, what are your thoughts about the issues plaguing the St. John family? If you have any comments, feel free to share them via our Facebook page.