Lawsuit Brewing: R. Kelly Sues Brooklyn Prison For Being "Violated"...Details

Lawsuit Brewing: R. Kelly Sues Brooklyn Prison For Being “Violated”…Details

(L) R. Kelly; (R) MDC Brooklyn Prison

R. Kelly is in MDC Brooklyn Prison apparently goin’ off, after he says he was violated by the prison’s head honchos and/or rules. Just days after the “Step In The Name Of Love” crooner was sentenced to 30 years in prison for sex crime charges, among other charges…he is now pretty much telling the prison they better get tuh steppin’ in the name of cutting him a check for the way he’s being treated. Okay, not exactly in those words, but check out the details of his lawsuit below…

Kelly just filed a lawsuit against MDC Brooklyn because he says he’s being severely mistreated by being placed on suicide watch, even though he is adamant he’s not suicidal. According to the court docs, Kelly says he is being subjected to “cruel and unusual punishment” as a result of the suicide watch the prison has him under, due to the fact that he’s a celebrity.

But there’s more…

Via TMZ: Kelly claims he was put on suicide watch this week after he was sentenced to 30 years in prison, arguing his 8th Amendment rights are being violated because “he is not suicidal and expressly told MDC officials that he was not suicidal and had no thoughts of harming himself or others.”

In the docs, he mentions Jeffrey Epstein associate Ghislaine Maxwell — who was also placed on suicide watch — saying the same thing has happened to him.

R. Kelly is also describing the harsh hygienic conditions he’s reportedly suffering under while on suicide watch. He says he’s in a single-cell that has no bed rails, nor showers, no shaving utensils, nor toilet paper. He also claims he’s being ‘forced to eat meals with his hands, and being shut off from loved ones.’

Additionally, Kelly couldn’t help but notice that inmates on suicide watch actually do not receive psychiatric treatment inside the MDC Brooklyn facility, according to his observation.

Thus, Kelly is now suing for emotional distress and damages.

Here’s what the The Bureau of Prisons had to say about Kelly’s claims:

“The BOP is committed to ensuring the safety and security of all inmates in our population, our staff, and the public. Humane treatment of the men and women in our custody is a top priority.”

Not sure if the MDC Brooklyn Prison is going to win or lose this new legal battle vs. R. Kelly. But the facility has recently been thrusted into the national spotlight by media outlets that reported many other inmates’ complaints of inhumane conditions. So it should be pretty interesting to see how R. Kelly’s lawsuit plays out.

We’ll keep y’all posted.

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