LeBron James is competitive in every since of the word. Since some of his fellow NBA ballers had already showed up and showed out with their Halloween costumes a few days prior- Kevin Durant dressed up as a “Blue Streak” character and Dirk Nowitzki dressed up as “Lurch”- LeBron was not one to be outdone. He went ALL out with his costume for the Cleveland Cavaliers’ Halloween party last night, when he dressed up as the legendary Prince, and he even performed “Purple Rain” and “I Would Die 4 U” on stage….Laaawd!
LeBron clearly won this competition last night, so I can’t help but say what Dave Chapelle said in his Prince skit on the Chappelle Show- “Game…BLOUSES.”
Check out LeBron’s hilarious “Purple Rain” and “I Would Die 4 U” performances below and tell us what you think…