As if Berry’s life didn’t have enough drama she’s recently had to deal with someone trying to steal her home. According to TMZ a man named Ronald Eugene Griffin has visited Berry’s home on multiple occasions, claiming that he’s the new owner! In January he arrived at Berry’s residence attempting to enter but eventually being ran off by her gardener. Then, in March, Griffin returned to Berry’s home with a deed to prove he was the rightful owner. And although he was 100% in the wrong, he tried to keep the charade going. TMZ reports:
We’re told he’d already managed to have one of the locks changed, and actually made a call to the police when he was confronted by the employees at the house. Yes, he was audacious enough to call the cops claiming ownership and pointing the finger at Halle’s employees as trespassers!!!
Once Berry found out she admitted to police she had no idea who Griffin was. And in a surprising twist Griffin had no idea that he had been trespassing on Berry’s property! From TMZ;
Griffin was later arrested and hit with a felony count of procuring and offering a false warranty deed and an additional count of petty theft. His bond’s set at $36k.
Berry’s reps haven’t responded to this story as of yet.