Jackie Jackson is a music icon who, along with his infamous Jackson siblings, has always been the talk of the town. This time though, it’s his son whom we wanna shed some light on. Sigmund Esco Jackson, Jr.- yep that’s also his pops’ real name- is the 41 year old son of Jackie. He also goes by the names, Dealz and/or Siggy. Anywho, for those who aren’t really up on everything the Jackson family does, Siggy and Jackie share a really tight bond. Siggy was also very close with his uncle Michael, just as he still is with MJ’s kids and the rest of his family.

Speaking of MJ’s babies, two of them- Paris and Prince- participated in Siggy’s and his beautiful wife’s September 2017 wedding. Before we get into why folks are surprised by the newlyweds, we wanna send a big congratulations to Siggy and his bride –who now has a name similar to her aunt-in-law– Toyia L. Jackson (much like LaToya Jackson).

Why Many Are Surprised By Jackie’s New Daughter-In-Law
Now, here’s the thing about Toyia that caught our attention, as it did many others. People are very surprised to see that Siggy has done something that most of his Jackson family are not currently doing- he married an African American person.

Yep, you read that right, a Jackson actually married and has kids with a Black woman. Ordinarily that wouldn’t be a big deal, but c’mon now, we all know that is a rarity in the Jackson fam.’ That’s not a diss by any means, just the truth. Although Jackie’s late ex-wife (Siggy’s mother), Enid Jackson, was African American, that was long ago in the 1970’s and 80’s. But in recent years, that’s changed and he’s now happily married to his Caucasian wife, Emily…


Of course there is absolutely nothing wrong with interracial marriages whatsoever, because love is love. However, the reason Toyia and Siggy have people looking at them and saying, “Whaaaaaat?!!,” is because the Jackson fam’ is huge, but we can probably only count on one hand how many of them are actually currently married to/dating people who look like them.
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Meet Their Kids
As it stands right now, Siggy is apparently the only second generation Jackson who is actually married to/dating, a Black person. Check out he and his wife’s four kids below…
The husband of Rebbie’s 49 year old daughter, Stacee, is of Hungarian decent. Michael Jackson’s son and daughter both have been in serious relationships with Caucasian boyfriends/girlfriends. All of Tito’s three sons are married to women of another race. And the list goes on, in regards to the other Jackson offspring.
Love Is Love
When fans see Siggy and his bride, Toyia, the surprise is understandable when compared to the context of their family’s overall dynamic. But again, love is love. So, whoever makes one happy is who he/she should be with…as long as their decision is based on pure love and not based off of a deeply embedded psychological/societal brainwashing that manifested into self-hate. Congrats again to the Jackson couple, Siggy and Toyia, on their union!