Mariah Responds After Ex-Manager Demands Medical Records To 'Prove' Drug Abuse In Lawsuit - Page 2 of 2

Mariah Responds After Ex-Manager Demands Medical Records To ‘Prove’ Drug Abuse In Lawsuit

How Nick Cannon Got Tossed Into This…

Now that Bulochnikov has apparently gotten caught up in the mess, she has just subpoena’d Mariah Carey for personal info, in an attempt to prove Mariah had some sort of serious issues at the time of Bulochnikov’s firing:

Via The Blast: In the subpoenas Stella fired off to Mariah Carey, she demanded her former client turn over all communications between Stella, the ex-assistant Lianna Shakhnazaryan, Nick Cannon and other people in her team from September 15, 2015 to November 21, 2017.

Stella is specifically looking for any discussion that was had regarding “Mariah Carey’s impaired mental status, impaired cognitive functioning, impaired perception, manic episodes, psychosis, and/or delusions.”

She also demanded Mariah turn over all communications between the team talking about “Mariah Carey’s alcohol consumption and/or use of marijuana, illegal drugs and/or narcotics” along with any alleged refusal to take medications and any information about the effects of “Mariah Carey’s Bipolar Disorder.”

Mariah’s Attempt To Block Medical Records From Subpoena

In response to her ex-manager’s subpoena, Mariah’s legal team is now saying:

“Bulochnikov, a former trusted manager of Mariah, has doggedly sought to draw Mariah into a legally meritless fight in an outrageous attempt to harass and embarrass Mariah, to violate Mariah’s privacy and to use Mariah’s confidential information concerning her health to leverage a favorable settlement. Bulochnikov’s tactics are violative. …A lawsuit does not grant Bulochnikov an unfettered right to Mariah’s private medical records when Mariah’s health is not at issue.”

In other words, Mariah does NOT want any of her personal business and/or struggles made public for all the world to see and understandably so, if it has nothing to do with the pending lawsuits.

As a result of ex-manager’s, latest request for such private records, Mariah Carey has now asked teh court to ‘sanction Stella Bulochnikov to the tune of $10,215,’ according to Te Blast.

Just like the old school saying goes, ‘mo’ money, mo’ problems.’

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