There are a lot of people in the Jackson family now that Katherine and Joe Jackson’s nine children have married and had children of their own. In fact, some of the Jackson children’s children have kids now. But most people probably don’t know two of the Jackson brothers have children with the same woman. For those who don’t know, Randy and Jermaine Jackson both have children with Alejandra Genevieve Oaziaza.

Randy actually dated the Colombian model first. The two met in 1986 when Alejandra was just 17-years-old and although they never tied the knot, they did have two children together – Genevieve and son Steven, Jr. By now, everyone has seen The Jacksons: An American Dream.
So, you probably remember Randy didn’t start touring with his brothers until he was older. By that time, the Jacksons were well established. During an exclusive interview with Radar Online, Alejandra shared details about her relationship with Randy.
“He didn’t treat me like he wanted a family with me at all,” Alejandra said of Randy.
Alejandra On Why She Wanted Jermaine After Randy

Randy reportedly ran off and married another woman while Alejandra was 7-months pregnant. While away on tour, Jermaine made his move. “Jermaine wanted a family and that’s what I always wanted for my kids and he was a father for my kids,” admitted Alejandra.
Katherine Jackson Was Pissed Says Alejandra

Alejandra’s relationship with Jermaine actually led to marriage; a union the Jackson family wasn’t too thrilled about. In fact, most of the fam,’ namely Mama Katherine, wasn’t pleased one bit:
“I remember when we got married and I told Mrs. Jackson. I went into her room and told her with Jermaine on the phone, he was in Africa at that time, and it was very difficult for her,” Alejandra told Radar.
Alejandra and Jermaine went on to have three children – Jermajesty, Donte, and Jaafar.
But according to Stacey Brown- a male Jackson family friend for over 25 years/co-writer of the Jackson memoirs- there was a lot of tension between Randy and Jermaine. Although Randy moved on with his life, that didn’t mean he was happy for his brother, he was absolutely pissed about their relationship, so says Stacey to the NYPost: “Joe Blow down the street, but my brother? In the same house?” […] “She’s a pig and my brother is a fool,” Stacey recalled Randy saying about Jermaine and Alejandra’s hook-up.
But, Stacey said Jermaine had one brother who was supportive – Michael. “Jermaine told me that Michael had called him at that time and told him, ‘Are you in love with her?’ And he said, ‘Yes, I am really in love with her.’ He [Michael] goes, ‘Then congratulations.’”

As a result of the relationship, Randy allegedly refused to pay child support for his kids back then. Since Jermaine stepped in, he felt it should have been his responsibility, but Jermaine felt otherwise, according to Brown. In a nutshell, Jermaine felt his brother needed to just get over it. “He’s an a-hole,” Jermaine reportedly said of Randy. “He shouldn’t let his feelings for me or Alejandra come between taking care of his kids.
Stacey Brown: “He needs to get over it and leave all the petty stuff behind and act like a man,” Jermaine said to me. This conversation lasted more than four hours and I had to reason with him that, “You not only took his woman, but you had children with her and you married her. There’s nothing petty about that.”
However, over the years, they’ve managed to get beyond the drama and now their children have a surprisingly close bond as cousins and siblings.

Hello. And Bye.