Michael Jackson Called Madonna "A Nasty Witch" After Their Fling...It Was All Caught On Tape

Michael Jackson Called Madonna “A Nasty Witch” After Their Fling…It Was All Caught On Tape

Michael Jackson; Madonna

Although “Material Girl,” Madonna, happily detailed she and Michael Jackson’s tongue kissing moments, apparently, MJ’s experience of Madonna wasn’t as pleasant as her recollection of their fling was. To our surprise, Michael kept it ALL the way real about Madonna in taped conversation with his friend. You gotta hear Michael explain this in his own words…it’s quite entertaining to say the least…


After Michael Jackson’s untimely passing in 2009, his friend, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, did an interview with NBC News host, Meredith Viera, revealing that MJ was aware that their discussions about Madonna were taped. So, the Rabbi shared this one publicly (full audio of Michael’s taped convo at bottom of page).

Michael Jackson: Madonna laid the law down to me before we went out. “I am not going to Disneyland, okay? That´s out,” I said, “But I didn´t ask you to go to Disneyland.” She said, “We are going to the restaurant and afterwards we are going to a strip bar.” I said, “I am not going to a strip bar.” [With] guys who cross-dress!

MJ: Afterwards she wrote some mean things about me in the press and I wrote that she is a nasty witch, after I was so kind to her. I have told you that we were at the table eating and some little kids came up. “Oh my God. Michael Jackson and Madonna. Can we have your autograph?” She said, “Get out of here. Leave us alone.” I said, “Don´t ever talk to children like that.” She said, “Shut up.” I said, “You shut up.” That´s how we were. Then we went out again and went to the Academy Awards and she is not a nice person. I have to say it. She is not a nice person.

Shmuley Boteach: Did the people around you feel that it was important to be seen with her?

MJ: They knew nothing about it. This was totally between her and me.


Madonna and Michael Jackson

“I think she was sincerely in love with me and I was not in love with her”

MJ: At the time I was with Madonna she was into these books, a whole library of books of women who were tied to walls. She said. “I love spanky books.” Why do I want to see that?

SB: I think a lot of it is the image. She once said something to the effect that she would much rather read a good book than have sex. I think the other vulgar stuff is part of the outrageous image she tries to cultivate.

Michael continued…

MJ: She´s lying [about preferring to read a book]. I can´t judge. I don´t know if she has changed or if she [is] trying to claim she has changed. […] I think she likes shock value and she knows how to push buttons on people. I think she was sincerely in love with me and I was not in love with her. She did a lot of crazy things and that´s how that went. I knew we had nothing in common. But I am pretty sure that having a baby has to change you. I don’t know how much she has changed, I´m sure she is a better person than before.


Michael Jackson and Madonna on a reported date

MJ: How would you like getting a phone call and she is telling you that she is putting her fingers between her legs. I would say, “Oh Madonna, please.” She said, “What I want you to do when you hang up the phone is to rub yourself and think of me”. That´s the kind of stuff she says. When I see her she says: “This is the finger I used last night”. Wild, out of control.

SB: But you were raised that all things romantic should have a certain modesty…Have you ever found women who are a bit more modest to be more attractive for that reason?

MJ: Yeah. I don´t like the women who are always saying, “My nails need to be done. I have to do my toes. I need a manicure”. I hate all that. I like it when girls are a little bit more tomboyish. If they wrestle, climb a tree. I love that… It is sexier to me. I like class though. Class is everything.


Listen to Michael Jackson’s taped conversation about Madonna below…

I tell ya’ we learn something new around here everyday. And by the way, MJ wasn’t into Madonna, but he definitely loved the ladies, just ask his ex-girlfriend, Stephanie Mills; as well as Chilli (of TLC); actress, Tatum O’Neal; Beyonce’; MJ’s former personal female chef; and the list goes on and on. Hmmm…they all have stories to tell about him.

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