Michael Jackson's Friend Claims To Be Paris Jackson's Dad, And Publicly Bashed Her Mom

Michael Jackson’s Friend Claims To Be Paris Jackson’s Dad, And Publicly Bashed Her Mom

(L) Michael Jackson’s daughter, Paris Jackson; (R) Michael Jackson

A longtime friend of Michael Jackson made a whole lotta claims about MJ. Although I personally question his motives, his claims are still pretty interesting nonetheless.

As most of us know, Debbie Rowe and MJ have a colorful history together. They met at Michael’s dermatologist’s office, where Debbie was a nurse. Debbie then became MJ’s second wife and gave birth to two of his three kids- Paris and Prince. In an interview with Martin Bashir, MJ later revealed that he was single parenting their kids, because Debbie gave the kids to him as “gifts.”

From Friend To Foe – MJ’s Friend’s Claims

(L) Michael Jackson and the mother of two of his kids, Debbie Rowe, on their wedding day; (R) MJ and Debbie holding their babies, Michael Prince Jackson and Paris Jackson

Well, years after  MJ’s death, his supposed friend, Mark Lester, now claims he’s actually the father of Paris Jackson. Dudec admitted he was once a wild-partying drug addict…but that he’s now clean and sober, with some details to spill about Paris’ DNA. Laaaawd 🙄…

Via MailOnline: “I was just helping out a friend. I think he had a problem with actually doing the physical act of sex and a very low sperm count as well,”[said Lester]. The singer [allegedly] wanted him to make a sperm deposit at a Harley Street clinic. “Michael said it would all be completely confidential and I knew he was asking others in his inner circle — actors Macaulay Culkin, Marlon Brando and Jack Nicholson, Uri Geller, people from Harvard with doctorates, all sorts.”

“My kids weren’t that enamored. They thought it a bit seedy — that’s a pun!” Lester laughs. “But they’re fine now.”


Michael Jackson with his then-friend, Mark Lester, the man who claims Paris is his biological child

Relationship With MJ’s Kids Now

At the time of his interview, Mark Lester said he hadn’t seen any of MJ’s kids since his 2009 funeral…and that neither Paris, nor her siblings have called him since. When asked if he wanted contact with Paris now, check out what Lester said:

“I can’t be bothered. I’ve got four kids of my own and I’m about to take on another two [children of his new wife] — that’s my family,” he says.

His Thoughts About Debbie Rowe & Why She Told Him To ‘F’ Off

Mark Lester wishes no ill will towards Paris, but has harsh words about her Momma, Debbie Rowe. First he dogged her appearance:

Via MailOnline: At first, Lester assumed Jackson wanted him to have sex with his wife Rowe — who he rather ungallantly describes as “a most horrendous-looking creature.”

Then he talked about her once blocking him from contacting Paris:

“I did try and get through to her [Paris] then and her mother told me to eff off,’ says Lester. “But I wish her [Paris] well. She’s bright and a great-looking kid, so if she is my daughter, it’s nothing to be ashamed of. […] I don’t think Michael worried about color. He just wanted the best of the best. He wanted to breed super-humans. […] Though I don’t know why he picked Debbie Rowe — that would have negated the whole thing!”

Paris Jackson with her biological mother, Debbie Rowe

Why Talk Now?

Lester said he and Michael were so close, they christened each other’s children. So when asked by DM, why he’s now made these claims public about a friend he was supposedly ‘close’ to, Lester said:

“I had to. Uri Geller was going to leak the story and link my name to it, so I decided to put it out there myself.”

Listen, I don’t know if this dude is telling the truth or not. His accusations seem detailed, but his timing and motives seem suspect. He waited until after Michael Jackson’s passing to make such a claim about the man’s kid. Also, although Lester says he doesn’t care to be in Paris’ life (which she clearly seems unbothered by), he still did an interview with a major online media source to get the word out there. Hmmm….thoughts ILOSM fam?’

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