I have been going through a rough time lately…My life in many ways seems to be on stand-by…I thought I was doing several projects this summer which all fell through. ALL of them. The crazy thing is, none of the people who’d offered me writing, music gigs or acting jobs ever called me back after making the verbal offers.
One minute I think I’m working, the next I’m hearing about how great the shoot is going without me. LA has its issues and New York is challenging but I’ve not met with this kind of lackadaisical professionalism (or the lack thereof) before. Therefore, money is as tight as a drum. It always cracks me up when people assume I am wealthy. I’m laughing now as a matter of fact. I have always had to be extremely wise in financial decisions. In other words, I ain’t got much, ya dig? I have been blessed with work, but rich? EeehEh. I scrimp and scrape just like the rest of the 99%. Maybe more like the unemployed working class as they like to call us.
So how does she handle it?
I could pout about it and lay in a limitless fetal position thinking about how unfair God or the universe is. I could pity my situation and myself. I do cry and scream a bit. I have to or I would explode…But I can’t sob forever. What a waste of energy it becomes. I will usually vent to my mother (poor woman) and one friend, then drop it. They say if you focus on lack you maintain lack.

My sweet daughter gets the majority of my emotional fallout. I’d love to lie and say I am such a great mother that I keep it all from her. Not so. I am an…