Not so long ago, Mo’Nique found Steve Harvey and Lee Daniels — as both — criticizing her recent efforts regarding equality and morality. Is this karma? Here’s what Mo’Nique has to say.
According to the legendary actress and comedian, she’s been getting tagged in various memes and news regarding Steve Harvey losing his shows Little Big Shots and Steve.
“They’ve almost been ‘celebratory’,” Mo’Nique mentions, alongside husband Sidney during their most recent podcast. “…People say, ‘That’s what his a** get,’ ‘Yeah, Mo, see.’” However, immediately, she addresses the bigger issue among us. “Why do we celebrate people’s failures?”
“Let me be clear about something. Let us be clear about something. We do not celebrate what appears to be someone else’s demise. We do not stand and applaud, and say: ‘Yeah, look what’s happening. That’s what you get.’ That’s not what we’re coming from; that’s not the stance we’ve ever taken. So what I would ask y’all to do is, we’ve gotta love our folks through it.”
“I know some people will say, ‘Mo’Nique is crazy; one minute, she saying they didn’t do her right; the next minute, she saying love’m through it,” the comedian expounds. “Let me tell you exactly what we’re saying…”