NBA Legend Dennis Rodman Busted On Camera In A Strange Clothing Robbery? - Page 2 of 2

NBA Legend Dennis Rodman Busted On Camera In A Strange Clothing Robbery?

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In the surveillance video provided by TMZ  (below), Rodman and his 3 associates are seen walking into VIBES Hot Yoga, on Tuesday at approximately 12:45 p.m.. Damn near as soon as they entered, Rodman then seemed to be intentionally distracting employees.

At that point, one of his female friends (in the long-sleeve green shirt) was seen stuffing clothing items into her purse. She was also spotted ducking off behind Rodman to continue shoving more clothing into her purse. But it gets a tad more strange from there.

As Rodman continued to seemingly distract the employees, his male friend was subtly jacked a $2500 crystal art piece right off of the front desk. As the dude was preparing to place the art piece onto a nearby dolly- presumably to roll it outta there- he dropped the expensive crystal piece and it shattered on the floor.

That ruckus caught everyone’s attention and that’s when the owner says Rodman struck up a confrontation with the employee he was taking to. His female friend used that opportunity to quickly slide one more shirt into her purse.

Meanwhile, according to the owner, Rodman and his 3 associates reportedly told the employee they refused to pay for the $2500 crystal, and then the trio stormed out, with the broken crystal and the clothing that was stuffed in the woman’s handbag. They ultimately got away with $500 worth of merchandise, says the owner.

Employees at the yoga joint, also said Rodman and his 3 friends had a strong stench of alcohol during the ordeal, which is not a good look for Rodman, especially from a legal standpoint. Why? Because now, the Yoga spot owner has filed charges against all of them, which may be tough for Rodman, given that he’s currently on probation from that drunk driving single car crash he was arrested for in 2018.

While the thought of a multimillionaire pulling off a $500 clothing robbery from a Yoga studio is almost comical, we cannot ignore the seriousness of this. Ever since Dennis Rodman retired from the NBA, he’s admittedly had a longstanding battle with severe depression and alcoholism. At 57 years young, his latest situation is yet another sign that the brotha probably needs some type of help. Hopefully, he gets whatever help he may need soon.

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