Ne-Yo and his wife, Crystal, are enjoying life and preparing for their second child together. For most social media users following the singer/songwriter, he and his wife are normally fan favorites. However, it seems Crystal has ruffled a whole lotta feathers with a seemingly offensive post about her son’s hair. According to The Grio, all the drama started from an Instagram post.
The Instagram Post:
On Tuesday, February 20, Crystal took to Instagram with a photo of their son’s hair. She then proceeded to compare her straighter hair texture, which she referred to as “Hawaiian Silky” to her and Ne-yo’s son, which is more tightly coiled. In her comparison, she implies that her son is somehow less fortunate than she, for having a much coarser hair texture than her.
“So my son wasn’t blessed with mommy’s ‘Hawaiian silky’ as my sister @nikki_loraine likes to say,” Smith said on Instagram. “Can anyone suggest some good products or moisturizers? Nothing I’ve tried will help the dryness. His hair seems to just soak up everything instantly. Comment below if you’ve had this issue. Helllllllllllp.”

Now, the post appears to have been removed from social media, however, the damage is already done. It definitely didn’t take long for the post to begin circulating on social media. Unfortunately for Crystal, the post has led to all kinds of drama and it’s even sparked a big debate on social media.
Many have taken to various networks to discuss the situation. While many African Americans have explained how they find the post offensive, some have also come to Crystal’s defense, insisting people are just too sensitive. “If she was so worried about having the Hawaiian hair texture, you make babies with a man with that texture. You dealing with black mostly kinkier hair type man, the chances are higher to have such hair,” one social media user argued.
Another person commented, “It’s her son. She can say what she wants. She doesn’t owe anyone an explanation. When u have kids their are some features that u wish your kid may have taken from you that they may not get. It’s no big deal. She’s not talking about someone else’s kid.”
Her Clap Back: ‘People Hating Because Of Their Interracial Relationship’
Despite all the backlash Crystal has received, she’s made it clear she won’t be backing down or making any apologies. Why is that? Well, apparently she has a totally different take on the situation and argues that people are twisting her words. When TMZ caught up with Crystal, of course, she was asked about the controversial hair comments that have sparked such a debate on social media. Crystal wasted no time defending herself, clapping back at the haters. She insists social media users took her words way out of context. Crystal clarified that she made the comment asking for help with her son’s hair and that her words weren’t an attempt to ridicule her own son. Ne-yo’s wife also says folks are hating on her because they’re mad about their “interracial relationship.”
“I love my child and I quoted something that my sister-in-law [Ne-yo’s sister] says to me, so if people want to take things literal that’s fine,” she said. “I was asking for help and I was met with criticism.” However, the criticism may end up being the inspiration behind a new business venture for the couple. Since Crystal can’t find any hair products that work well for her son, she claims she’ll just have to create one. “But that’s okay because it inspired me to start my own hair care line.”
“They assume I’m not mixed with Black, which I absolutely am,” she said. “And they don’t like Black men being with white women or other race of women and it’s just really stupid … People are gonna say what they want to say and that’s OK. Doesn’t change how I feel about my child.”
Lookin’ The Other Way:
Crystal continued her rant, by reiterating how she doesn’t mind putting people in their place when they come at her sideways. “I will check you, but I’m learning to do better at that so it is what it is,” she added. Ne-yo also chimed in to support his wife. The frustrated singer insists people need to lighten up instead of being so critical of others. Watch Crystal give her response in the video below:
Moving Along:
Crystal’s latest Instagram debacle follows a heartwarming photo she shared after becoming a mother. She recalled the birth of their first son together, Shaffer Chimere Smith, Jr., who was born in March of 2016. The photo which captured Ne-Yo and Crystal in the delivery room includes a caption that reads, “The absolute best moment in my life thus far ( Aside from marrying you @neyo) The arrival of SJ was the most terrifying and beautiful day ever! I had to have an emergency C-section because the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck TWICE! Talk about scary!!! But @drsherryr was so quick saving him and getting him in my arms 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 I’m choosing to deliver VBAC ( vaginal birth after Csection) this time and I’m so terrified but I feel I am strong enough to do it.”
Although the post offered fans a glimpse of an unforgettable moment in the couple’s lives, some fans still had somethin’ to say. Many of the arguments most likely stem from the criticism Ne-Yo received when it was revealed that Crystal was pregnant with their first child. Fans quickly reminded the singer of his alleged hypocrisy where his ex-girlfriend, Monyetta Shaw, was concerned.

Hypocrisy Or Nah?:
After Crystal became pregnant for Ne-Yo, Monyetta expressed regret over getting her tubes tied. According to the New York Post, the reality star admitted that she underwent the surgery to burn her fallopian tubes because it was something that he wanted. So, when he moved on and got Crystal pregnant, of course, she was feelin’ some kind of way. Monyetta shared her reaction to Ne-Yo’s relationship with Crystal.
“Now I look back and wonder what I was thinking. I love hard, and I made so many permanent decisions based on what I thought a man wanted from me, not what I wanted for myself. When my daughter comes of age, I will tell her: ‘Your body is your temple. Don’t do anything to it you don’t want to regret.’”
Fans immediately came to Monyetta’s defense, dragging Ne-Yo to hell insisting he “forced” her to have her tubes tied. Then, Monyetta responded to the heightened criticism toward Ne-Yo.
But At The End Of The Day…:
We all know there will always be drama, which is why Crystal and Ne-Yo aren’t sweating any of the backlash. Last month, the couple revealed they are expecting another boy. With the birth of Crystal and Ne-Yo’s second son, the singer will be the father of four children. The two he’ll have with Crystal and his two children from the relationship with Monyetta. Maybe by the time of his and Crystal’s second son together, Crystal will have found a way to better manage her son’s hair texture, a texture that she seems to be new at managing. Good luck to her with that.