Many of us may remember O.J. Simpson’s beautiful daughter, Arnelle Simpson. However, most of us may have forgotten about her. Shortly after her Pops’ infamous 1995 murder trial – where he was acquitted for the murders of ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and Ronald Goldman – Arnelle pretty much went underground. So did Simpson’s other three children.
A few years prior to O.J.’s October 2017 release from an Arizona prison — where he served nine years on robbery and kidnapping charges — Arnelle (now 52) spoke out. In a very candid and rare interview with Georgia Newsday, she detailed just how jacked up life has been for her, seemingly as a result of her controversial Dad.
Trouble Holding A Job
Arnelle Simpson told the publication ‘how difficult it has been for all of the siblings to maintain any sort of stability or job, due to all of the controversy and forever prying eyes into their family.’
She also shared that she did manage to find some stability at one point, when she worked ‘for a rapper called Hash for a while and then produced some fashion shows.’ However, that gig didn’t last for Arnelle either.
Raised & Kept Young Siblings Out Of Public Eye After Nicole’s Death
Soon after the murder of Nicole Brown-Simpson, Arnelle says she took on the responsibility of helping raise her youngest siblings, Sydney and Justin. She tried to provide a “normal” life for them, but it was tough:
“We have been living with this for 20 years,” said Arnelle. “Me, my brothers, my sister… You know, when the whole thing happened to Paris (Michael Jackson’s daughter, who attempted to commit suicide after her father died) I called them. I told the family: ‘Hey, it could have happened to us, to Sydney and Justin.’ But we brought them up okay.”
Arnelle Reportedly Lost O.J.’s Home & Spent Most Of His Pension
O.J. was sentenced to up 33 years in prison in 2008, for trying to steal his own sports memorabilia back from some dudes inside a Las Vegas hotel room. Once O.J. began serving his sentence, he’d left Arnelle in control of his finances. Only problem was that his $25K-a-month-NFL pension and home were long gone, due to various reasons under Arnelle’s watch.
Arnelle said, “The home is gone! All the money went to attorneys anyway. There was no point to keep it. It went for foreclosure. It’s gone.”
She further elaborated, “I have the power of attorney for my fathers affairs while he is, you know, in his ‘situation.'”
According to Yahoo, a family friend stated that while it is true that some of O.J.’s money went to legal fees, much of the depleted pension had to do with Arnelle’s allegedly excessive lifestyle:
“Arnelle is a shopaholic. Shopping was often the only thing that got her out of the house. She loved her trips to Saks and Victoria’s Secret and paid for them with her father’s money. She’d also bring all of her friends to the house or go to expensive restaurants and buy everyone dinner and drinks.”
O.J. Reportedly Tried To Get Daughter Off Alcohol
It was also reported that Arnelle and OJ sometimes had friction due to her alleged alcohol problem:
Via Yahoo- In an angry phone call from his Nevada prison, [O.J.] accused [Arnelle] of blowing his money on alcohol, shopping and living a lavish lifestyle.
“O.J. fought with Arnelle all the time about her drinking, and he tried for years to get her married to get her out of his house. ‘All she would do is sit around and drink vodka, even for breakfast,” the source said.
At the time of her Georgia Newsday interview, Arnelle Simpson revealed she was searching for a new job, and in need of a new life and location altogether. The weight of her Father’s controversy, for nearly 30 years, has taken it’s toll on Arnelle and her siblings. However, they’re still standing…despite any money problems and controversy that they’ve unwillingly inherited.
Arnelle simply ended her interview with, “I love my father, I love my father,” even though she admits he is not perfect.