Paris Jackson Drops Gems About Dad, MJ, Being Killed And Her Blackness: 'I'm Not White'

Paris Jackson Drops Gems About Dad, MJ, Being Killed And Her Blackness: ‘I’m Not White’

(Inset photo) Michael Jackson (L) Michael’s daughter, Paris Jackson

Michael Jackson’s daughter, Paris Jackson (23), has just done her first in-depth interview and she has ZERO problems telling her truths and her Pop’s truths to the world. Wait ’til you see what she said about MJ being murdered, what he told her, her Blackness, and so much more.

In an interview with Rolling Stone, Paris let it all out and it seems like she’s been waiting for this moment to finally get a bunch of stuff off of her chest.


Paris Jackson

Here are a few excerpts of Paris’ Rolling Stone interview where she drops hints about who she thinks killed her dad:

Via RS: Paris has a lingering distaste for AEG Live, the promoters behind the planned This Is It tour – “AEG Live does not treat their performers right,” she alleges. “They drain them dry and work them to death.” (A rep for AEG declined comment.)

She also remembered how her dad was “exhausted” and “couldn’t sleep all the time” during the AEG tour ;and thinks MJ’s death is far bigger than Dr.Murray:

Paris blames Dr. Conrad Murray – who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in her father’s death – for the dependency on the anesthetic drug propofol that led to it. She calls him “the ‘doctor,'” with satirical air quotes. But she has darker suspicions about her father’s death. “He would drop hints about people being out to get him,” she says. “And at some point he was like, ‘They’re gonna kill me one day.'”

Paris is convinced that her dad was, somehow, murdered. “Absolutely,” she says. “Because it’s obvious. All arrows point to that. It sounds like a total conspiracy theory and it sounds like bullshit, but all real fans and everybody in the family knows it. It was a setup. It was bullshit.”


But who would have wanted Michael Jackson dead? Paris pauses for several seconds, maybe considering a specific answer, but just says, “A lot of people.” Paris wants revenge, or at least justice. “Of course,” she says, eyes glowing. “I definitely do, but it’s a chess game. And I am trying to play the chess game the right way. And that’s all I can say about that right now.”


Michael Jackson and Paris Jackson

Paris also wanted to let the world know that although some see her as White that she does not view herself as such. She says she’s a Black woman and that her dad taught her to be proud of being Black:

Via RS: “He [Michael Jackson] is my father,” she says, making fierce eye contact. “He will always be my father. He never wasn’t, and he never will not be. People that knew him really well say they see him in me, that it’s almost scary.

“I consider myself black,” she says, adding later that her dad “would look me in the eyes and he’d point his finger at me and he’d be like, ‘You’re black. Be proud of your roots.’ And I’d be like, ‘OK, he’s my dad, why would he lie to me?’ So I just believe what he told me. ‘Cause, to my knowledge, he’s never lied to me.

“Most people that don’t know me call me white,” Paris concedes. “I’ve got light skin and, especially since I’ve had my hair blond, I look like I was born in Finland or something.” She points out that it’s far from unheard of for mixed-race kids to look like her – accurately noting that her complexion and eye color are similar to the TV actor Wentworth Miller’s, who has a black dad and a white mom.


Paris Jackson; Michael Jackson

Paris said her pops, MJ, told she and her brothers the TRUTH about America in a very explicit way:

“His number-one focus for us,” says Paris, “besides loving us, was education. And he wasn’t like, ‘Oh, yeah, mighty Columbus came to this land!’ He was like, ‘No. He fu*king slaughtered the natives.'” Would he really phrase it that way? “He did have kind of a potty mouth. He cussed like a sailor.” But he was also “very shy.”

MJ would cry and tell Paris (at the age of 9) things about the hate he gets from the world:

“My dad would cry to me at night,” she says, sitting at the counter of a New York coffee shop in mid-December, cradling a tiny spoon in her hand. She starts to cry too. “Picture your parent crying to you about the world hating him for something he didn’t do. And for me, he was the only thing that mattered. To see my entire world in pain, I started to hate the world because of what they were doing to him. I’m like, ‘How can people be so mean?'” She pauses. “Sorry, I’m getting emotional.”

Wow…Paris said a LOT. Michael Jackson apparently kept it 100 with his kids back then. Gotta love it. Thoughts ILOSM fam?’

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