Prayers Up: Paula Abdul Mourns The Loss Of Her Mother

Prayers Up: Paula Abdul Mourns The Loss Of Her Mother

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Paul Abdul’s life will probably never be the same. The 55-year-old singer/dancer’s mother Lorraine Abdul, has reportedly passed away. Entertainment Tonight reports that Lorraine Abdul died suddenly at her California home on the evening of Sunday, January 14. Then, on the following day, the Paula took to social media to confirm her mother’s death. She was 85.

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A Sad Day For Paula:

According to the publication, Lorraine Abdul was widely known for supporting her daughter’s career over the years. During many of the biggest moments in her career, her mother was right by her side. In fact, when she received her star on the Walk of Fame back in December of 1991 her mother and sister, Wendy, were right there with her to celebrate the occasion. But many people may not know Lorraine Abdul was also a woman of many talents. Growing up in Minnedosa, Manitoba, Lorraine was also an accomplished pianist. So, not only did she raise a legendary performer, she was most likely one of her daughter’s strongest influences to take on the music industry.

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Moments To Reflect:

In the days following her mother’s death, Paula took to Twitter with a few of her personal thoughts. She shared a photo from her trip to Israel and reflected on the importance of life’s most treasured moments. “This moment from my visit to Israel is one I think of often,” she tweeted. “Pausing to watch all the vibrant life going on. EVERY MOMENT of life should be savored & treasured, whether we’re alone or w/ people we love. When can you pause today to appreciate life?”

Then on Wednesday, Paula shared a meme about her family. “I’m SO grateful for my family & the depth of our roots,” she wrote. “My heart couldn’t be fuller when I see how we continue to grow in love & support for one another. I hope you all cultivate “deep roots” & the strength to stand strong when the winds come.”

Prayers for Paula Abdul and her family during this difficult time.

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