Breaking: R. Kelly Back In Police Custody — This Time For Something Different

Breaking: R. Kelly Back In Police Custody — This Time For Something Different

R. Kelly taken into police custody again, after child support hearing.
Photo via Twitter.

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS — R. Kelly is out here “fighting for his life,” for real. It’s coming from all angles, it seems. And he couldn’t avoid this particular charge.

He was taken out the back of the courtroom with his hands behind his back,” Chicago Sun-Times reports.

Why Was He In A Courtroom This Time?…

According to the source, R. Kelly was at the Daley Center handling some other business, outside the controversial paradigm of recent news. However, interestingly enough, the situation plays inline with his statements during the Gayle King interview. ILOSM previously covered that story.

If you’ve seen R. Kelly’s interview with the goddessly poised Gayle King, you also remember him mentioning he’s trying to have a relationship with his kids.

Gayle King interview with R. Kelly
Gayle King kept an unmatched composure during R. Kelly’s spazz session. Maybe she needs to help train police officers on how to stay calm in tense situations. / Photo via Twitter.

Well, Robert Kelly attended a court hearing regarding his children, on Wednesday, March 6. And it did not end well for him.

‘Child Support’…

Reportedly, Robert owed quite the pocketful in child support to his ex-wife, Andrea Kelly.

A Cook County judge [Lori Rosen] last month issued an order that would send Kelly to jail if he hadn’t paid the $161,663 he owes his ex-wife by 10 a.m. Wednesday,” Chicago Sun-Times mentions.

And that’s exactly what happened. As stated above, he was escorted from the court room by authorities and taken back into custody.

According to the source, R. Kelly “dodged” his ex-wife and her lawyers’ from serving him. For this reason, they could not take him to court on the matter. However, during this time, the singer’s payments continued to accrue. The Chicago Sun-Times mentions as follows.

“Kelly’s criminal defense lawyer, Steve Greenberg, said after the bond hearing that despite a decades-long career and millions of records sold, the singer’s finances are ‘a mess.’ Kelly’s income took a significant hit after he was dropped by his record label amid public outcry over allegations of sexual abuse of minors raised in the Lifetime documentary, Surviving R. Kelly.”

Yet, the issue with this is also that Robert Kelly continues to have 20+ people on his payroll, who are still working for him — as notes the source. Likewise, he’s still able to afford a penthouse suite at Trump Tower, allegedly where Jocelyn Savage and Azriel Clary are said to be staying.

David France, manager for Andrea Kelly, says R. Kelly obviously “isn’t without means.” “Not until he was arrested did he say he didn’t have any money,” France expounds.

Next Page: Footage of R. Kelly Being Taken Back In Custody After Child Support >>>

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