R. Kelly: Sparkle Discusses His Hidden Fear Leading To The Gayle King Breakdown

R. Kelly: Sparkle Discusses His Hidden Fear Leading To The Gayle King Breakdown

According to Stephanie 'Sparkle' Edwards, R. Kelly is not looking forward to prison.
Photo via Twitter.

By now, you’ve seen R. Kelly’s breakdown during his interview with Gayle King. Well, Stephanie “Sparkle” Edwards — one of the first to come out about the singer — has a few things to say about it.

Note: In case you don’t know Sparkle, she’s one of R. Kelly’s former singers. But more importantly, her niece is allegedly the 14-year-old girl who was seen in the video with the artist, allegedly.

Anyway, like everyone else who saw R. Kelly’s interview, she thinks it was over-the-top.

Robert is always on stage,” Edwards mentions during an interview with TMZ. “It’s always a performance for him.

“I mean — not to say that, you know, the breakdowns weren’t real for him. I mean, I feel like he understands now that this is real, for real this time.”

Sparkle goes on to explain the situation with her niece. According to R. Kelly’s former singer, this whole ordeal hasn’t really been great for her — having to relive it all, so to speak.

I didn’t wanna be a part of the ‘Surviving R. Kelly’ piece,” Sparkle states. “Thankfully, my manager talked me into it.

She says she told her story so it’d be authentic from her and also so no one would possibly lie.

Next Page: But, What Would Sparkle Like To See Happen To R. Kelly? >>>

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