R. Kelly has come forward to attempt to defend himself against a massive $10.5 million lawsuit filed by six women who claim they were victimized by him. Kelly asserts that he had no knowledge of the lawsuit and should not be held accountable for its consequences.
The lawsuit stems from an incident in December 2018, where the women allege that Kelly and his ‘former manager,’ Donnell Russell, orchestrated a scheme to disrupt a screening of the ‘Surviving R. Kelly’ docuseries in New York City by making a mass shooting threat. In August, the women were awarded the substantial amount of $10.5 million.
According to new legal documents, Kelly argues that had he been aware of the lawsuit, he would have vigorously defended himself against the allegations. However, he claims that with the numerous criminal cases and prosecutions he’s currently facing, plus the increasing number of lawsuits filed against him, he struggles to keep track of it all from his prison cell in North Carolina.
Kelly further argues that the lawsuit might have mistakenly fallen by the wayside of his ever-changing legal team, or not been delivered to him at all. He also claims that even if he had received it, he wouldn’t have been able to comprehend the contents or differentiate them from other legal documents, stating, “I cannot read or understand words beyond that of a grade schooler.” He relies heavily on his lawyers to explain things to him.

Additionally, R. Kelly denies the claim that Donnell Russell was his manager, as claimed in the lawsuit. He claims that he had zero knowledge of Russell’s alleged involvement in attempting to prevent the ‘Surviving’ screening. Kelly maintains that if Russell did indeed make the mass shooting threat, it was done for his own personal reasons and not at his request.
While the outcome of whether the women will receive any portion of the $10.5 million judgment remains to be seen, one thing is clear – R. Kelly firmly believes he should not be held responsible for this particular lawsuit.