R&B Singer Tweet, Who Dated Pastor Jamal Bryant, Airs Out Shady Church Folk

R&B Singer Tweet, Who Dated Pastor Jamal Bryant, Airs Out Shady Church Folk

Pastor Jamal Bryant and Tweet

Enough Is Enough

Tweet has had enough of the church and rumors circulating about her daughter Shenice and has taken to Instagram to clear things up!

The two went to IG live to vent about the church andĀ all of its antics. As you may recall the R&B singer previously dated Pastor Jamal Bryant, the two decided to go their separate ways last year.

She Gave Her Life To Christ

She has since been vocal about how she felt about the church, and how it has turned into a place of business rather than a place of healing. She also spoke on the backlash people gave her for returning to secular music after she gave her life to Christ.

Shenice, and her mother Tweet.

Now what ignited the flame is when her daughter who is an aspiring singer trying to make her mark on the music scene is being targeted by people of the so called “church”. Shenice is also enduring similar struggles as her mother; whether to sing secular music or gospel and how to balance it all while living life as a christian.

Tweet had this advice to give to her daughter:

“Baby girl, speak your truth because I am…”I’m sick of it. Enough is enough. I’m tired. And it’s coming out in the music, it’s coming out in the interviews, it’s coming out. I’m not shading nobody, I’m telling my truth. Church has been the worst. I will NOT do church anymore.”

All In Her DM?!?

Shenice decided to open up about her battles and talked about how pastors and deacons would be in her DMs (direct messages), trying to take her out and offer her drinks. Her response would be to remind them of their titles and their leadership roles and let them know that what they are doing is inappropriate.

Next Page: See The Video Of Tweet Airing Out Shady Church FolksĀ & Pastors Sliding In Her DMs >>>

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