Ex-boyfriend of the late Bobbi Kristina Brown, Nick Gordon, has just made a seemingly crystal clear attempt to do damage control regarding his abusive woman beater image. After TV One’s Bobbi Kristina biopic aired on Sunday (Oct. 8, 2017), Nick Gordon (28) and his girlfriend, Laura Leale (26), did an interview for the first time together. *Scroll to bottom to watch interview*

You see, in the Bobbi Kristina biopic, the world watched in horror as severe beatings were portrayed on the part of Nick Gordon to Bobbi Kristina. It also portrayed Nick as a boyfriend who tried to control Bobbi’s every move, stifle her music ambitions, use her money, supply her with drugs, and keep her estranged from her family. In addition to that, the movie showed portrayed Nick having heated moments with Whitney Houston’s brothers and his tense moments with Bobby Brown.
Is Nick Trying To Counteract Portrayal In Bobbi Kristina Biopic?
So it comes as no surprise that the typically reclusive Nick Gordon, shocked DailyMail when he agreed to do an interview and popped up with his girlfriend the very next day AFTER the Bobbi Kristina biopic aired.
Girlfriend’s Past Claims Totally Different From Her NEW Claims
The thing that was even more shocking, is that he and his girlfriend were back together. As we previously reported, Laura Leal and Nick made headlines in June 2017, after she called the cops on him, stating that he’d brutally beaten her at his home for 6 hours straight. She also released photos of her bruised body at that time and said it was a “miracle” she didn’t end up dead ‘like Bobbi Kristina.’ By August, Laura fought to have the charges against Nick dropped and never said another word publicly about it.
The Odd New Claims

Well lo and behold, Laura and Nick reappeared as some sort of happy couple for their new DailyMail interview. It was a very odd, and at one point, Nick’s publicist shouted repeatedly to Nick, telling him not to answer a certain question about the abuse, as Nick ignored him. Nick then spoke to try clear his name, saying that Laura was not in danger during the time he brutally beat her down.
Laura was then asked about their fight and why she dropped charges. At first she looked at Nick for approval to speak on it, then she went above and beyond to prove how much SHE is to blame for him beating her…
Via DM: “I take full responsibility and that’s why charges were dropped because it really was me [to blame],” [Laura said]. … And in stark contrast to her original claims, receptionist Laura now states that the only true fear she had that night was of herself. She explained: “I was in fear of myself and my own anger and fear of what I can push him to. In fear you know of where our argument and hours of delusional actions, just viciousness, might go. She added: “That’s what I really learned. I have my own issues. It’s me. And Nick has been one of the greatest people in my entire life to work through that with me. I have my own anger issues and the best friend that I have by my side is Nicholas Gordon.”
Girlfriend Stumbles When Asked This Question…
When the interviewer asked Laura why she chose to call the cops, Laura said “I honestly feared that I had a concussion” But when asked how she got the concussion, she stalled and outwardly questioned Am I saying to much?….Uh…I fell.” The whole time Nick was sitting their with a straight face looking forward, like he ain’t got no worries. See the video below and tell us what y’all think…