Recognize This "How Can I Ease the Pain" Singer? She's Doing This Now

Recognize This “How Can I Ease the Pain” Singer? She’s Doing This Now

Nowadays Lisa is still touring with the Rolling Stones and several other legendary rock artists. Hopefully we’ll hear that beautiful voice of her’s on a new R&B song again soon.

One article summed Lisa up best:

[quote_box_center]“Lisa’s uniqueness is based on the fact that she is a chameleon, a vocal shape-shifter,” says Robin Clark, a prolific background singer. “Lisa has the innate ability to become whatever or whoever is needed at any given moment. She transcends all genres. It’s all in her delivery, which is connected by a deeply spiritual thread.”[/quote_box_center]



    1. I absolutely agree with you Habbibi, we can hear every single ounce of pain and passion Lisa’s putting into each lyric she sang on that song. I really like that her voice is still just as flawless as it ever was. Thanks for commenting my friend.

    1. I absolutely agree with you Habbibi, we can hear every single ounce of pain and passion Lisa’s putting into each lyric she sang on that song. I really like that her voice is still just as flawless as it ever was. Thanks for commenting my friend.

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