Remember Flash from “The Five Heartbeats? ILOSM fam,’ nowadays, he’s representin’ the old school well. In fact, I think you’ll be pretty amazed to see how actor, John Canada Terrell, looks now and what he’s been up to. Get your scroll on to find out…
“Flash” Still “Got It”
Well to start things off. This is his profile pic on Facebook! So you can see this brother’s very proud of his bod! Ok, we’ll stop teasing, here’s what he looks like now…
His ‘Sex Symbol’ Role Of “Greer” Came With Many Pros And Cons…
He hasn’t changed a bit. He’s just another example of how black definitely doesn’t crack! He looks exactly the same. John was actually part of a ReelBlack special celebrating the inaugural release of Spike Lee’s She’s Gotta Have It.
Although John is known for his memorable role in the ever-popular 1991 musical drama, he revealed fans see him out in public and still refer to him as “Greer Childs” from “She’s Gotta Have It,” because he hasn’t changed at all.
During the exclusive interview, he revealed one of the pitfalls he endured during his career. Apparently, the sex symbol role of Greer came with many pros and cons that ultimately impacted his personal life. Although most guys would probably love all of the fame and attention that comes with being a sex symbol, John revealed how it actually ruined many of his personal relationships.
For years, his career flourished but around the year 2000, he decided to take a break from acting due to a number of personal obstacles, including the death of a loved one and a breakup. John admitted that acting just wasn’t fulfilling anymore. So, he stepped away from the limelight to reevaluate his life. But, once he made it back to the stage, he realized his life calling.
Instead of focusing on the cameras and the big screen, he developed a new love for live audiences. But, now John is heading back to film. Next year, he has three films scheduled to be released. Be on the look-out for his upcoming projects, Rebirth of Crowning Glory, American Zealot and Again Comes The Rain. Wishing John Canada Terrell much continued success going forward.