Wow, remember watching Soul Train on Saturday mornings and waiting to see what artists would perform and what would happen during the Soul Train line? You had Cheryl Sung ‘The Asian Girl, With The Long Hair’ lol, and how about Rosie Perez or Bobcat? But Louie “Ski” Carr was a big part of what went down during the Soul Train lines, on stage, and sometimes on stage with the artists! Louie hasn’t slowed down any since his days as a celebrated dancer on Soul Train. He has been an active actor on both the big screen and in theater. Check his most recent pics and find out his favorite moment on Soul Train…
I love you on soullllll trainnn….. I’m a hip-hop-artist with an act that provid a lot of dancemovment…. thank you SIR FOR EVERY SAT MORNING BEING A PART OF MY WORLD…HELLIFIED SEX CRAZE.
I love you on soullllll trainnn….. I’m a hip-hop-artist with an act that provid a lot of dancemovment…. thank you SIR FOR EVERY SAT MORNING BEING A PART OF MY WORLD…HELLIFIED SEX CRAZE.