Remember the kid who played Vivica Foxx’s son “Ahmad” in the classic 90’s film, Soul Food? His name is Brandon Hammond and we were over here at the ILOSM office having one of our brainstorming sessions and his name was one of the first to come up. We figured we probably weren’t the only ones who want to know where this dude disappeared to after Soul Food, so we’ll feel you in.
After Brandon got his break in his first film, Menace II Society, the gigs started rolling in and soon he was the in high demand for any gig that needed a great child actor. He had roles in Waiting To Exhale, Space Jam, Mars Attack, and The Fan. But his most well known role was Soul Food and after he proved just how great of a child actor he was able to land a few more roles in the movie, Blue Hill Avenue, and on a few TV shows such as The West Wing, The Gregory Hines Show, Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, Early Edition, Our America and Penn & Tellers Sin City Spectacular. Then it seems as if his light just kind of faded and we never saw this cat again.
So where is he? He's around and he ain't a kid anymore...

He's a grown 31 year old man. See what he looks like.