Rev. Run's Sons Ain't Kids Anymore, New Shirtless Photo Has Young Women Going Crazy

Rev. Run’s Sons Ain’t Kids Anymore, New Shirtless Photo Has Young Women Going Crazy

The year was 2005, when the world was officially introduced to the blended family of Rev. Run (real name Joseph Simmons) and his wife, Justine, on their prior reality show, “Run’s House.” They have 3 children together- Diggy, Russell II a.k.a. “Russy,” and Miley Simmons; and Run has two daughters and a son from a previous relationship- Joseph Jr., Vanessa, and Angela Simmons. This article is centered around all of the attention their youngest sons, Diggy and Russy, are garnering with the ladies. At the time of “Run’s House’s” 2005 premiere, Diggy was 10 and Russy was 7 years old. The last time many fans saw them, was when the show went off air in 2009, when Diggy was 14 and Russy was 11. Wait ’til y’all see them now though…

Shirtless Pics & Lady Crushes

On “Run’s House” they were two typical, playful kids, just running around the house and getting kiddie-like life lessons from their pops. These days, their dad is still dishin’ out those life lessons to his seeds, but the kiddie talk is a wrap, he’s now talking to them man-to-man.

Today, Diggy is a 23 year old rapper like, his pops and we’re not sure what Russy does these days, but he’s now 20 years old. Check out the shirtless photo that Diggy posted the other day, causing the females to flip out over his chiseled up 6 pack:

Here’s a sample of some of the comments left about Diggy’s photo:

Although his Instagram post drew attention because of his new grown man status, many of his female fans probably missed his message about his stagnant, 6 year hiatus from his music and the comeback he’s now ready to make. So be on the lookout for that.

Now on to to Russy, check him out chillin’ with his older siblings, Joseph, Diggy, and Angela- gettin’ his serious faced, swag on these days:

(L-R) Joseph, Russy,Vanessa, and Diggy Simmons (via Instagram)

Where did the time go y’all?

How Son, Diggy, Helped His Parents’ Health

In addition to having these 20+ year old women out here swoonin’ over him, in a 2017 interview with BET, Rev. Run and Justine revealed how Diggy has helped them get a new lease on life. The Mr. and Mrs. have been on a serious health transformation for about the past year or so. In fear of developing diabetes, like two of their relatives had been diagnosed with, Justine and Rev. Run decided it was time for an overhaul. They began exercising daily and drastically changed their unhealthy eating habits to healthier ones, with the help of Diggy:

Via BET– “Diggy introduced us to brown rice pasta. It is very healthy and it tastes great,” [Justine] said. “I don’t play when it comes to my food, I don’t want to compromise taste. So, what I eat has to be good as well as healthy.”

“We also like Brussels sprouts. Justine and Diggy tear those things up. It’s a big hit!” Rev Run said. “We also eat chicken sausage instead of beef or pork. We also love the Morning Star hamburger crumbles. We make sloppy Joes with this and it is delicious.

“It was Russell [Simmons] that introduced us to that,” Justine said.

“He is the yogi vegan of the family,” Russell said.

“Miley, who is taller than me, loves the brown rice pasta with Morning Star crumbles and a little marinara sauce. That makes her happy. So, we are pleased to make changes that the family also loves,” Justine said.

The Simmons also revealed that they strive to take 10,000 steps per day, to keep their heart pumping and blood circulating. They have lost over 20 pounds and are now excited about exercising and eating healthy on the regular. Beautiful!

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