Sammy Davis Jr. has three children: two sons and one daughter (Tracey). The sons, Jeff and Mark Davis were both adopted, according to what they were told by their parents, Sammy Davis Jr. and actress, May Britt, but questions have always arisen throughout the years because both sons, whom are mixed with African American and White, have been said to resemble their adoptive father, Sammy Davis Jr.
Well when Sammy Davis Jr. was lying on his deathbed in 1990, after being stricken with throat cancer, his son, Mark Davis (who says he works at Costco Supermarket), said that Sammy pulled him close and revealed to him these words: “You are my son.” That’s when Mark’s world was rocked with the revelation that after all these years of thinking he was adopted, he was in fact Sammy’s biological child, or wasn’t he?
Sammy Davis Jr. with wife and kids; son, Mark Davis pictured bottom, left
His sister and biological daughter of Sammy Davis Jr. and May Britt, Tracey Davis, says she never believed Mark was their father’s biological child, but Mark says there are too many signs that strongly make him believe otherwise, including his birth certificate he laid his eyes on for the first time in 2013, that had Sammy Davis Jr.’s name listed as his birth father. His adoptive mother, May Britt, has confirmed to Mark that she definitely did not give birth to him. So he and his sister took DNA tests on camera and here are the results…
According to Daily Mail:
Mark Davis is not Sammy Davis Jr.’s secret biological son, DNA tests have revealed.
A DNA test carried out by Inside Edition to see if he was related to Britt and the Rat Pack member’s known biological daughter, Tracey, has revealed that they are entirely unrelated. It means that Mark Davis has no idea who either of his real parents are.
Mark Davis getting DNA tested to prove whether or not he’s Sammy Davis Jr.’s biological child
The results confirm what Sammy Davis Jr always told friends and family: that Mark, now 55, had been adopted. But [Sammy] entered his name as Mark’s biological father on his birth certificate.
Mark, 55, then told Daily Mail Online said there had always been uncertainty running through his life.
Tracey had been convinced that Mark was not her natural brother, saying: ‘I do not believe for one minute that my father is Mark’s biological father.’
But when the result was confirmed she said it would not affect their close relationship.
‘I love you,’ she told Mark. ‘I love you too,’ he said.
‘I am a huge living question mark and that is because I have never understood anything 100 per cent about where I came from,’ [Mark then] told Daily Mail Online.
Maybe we will never know the real reason why Sammy Davis Jr. uttered those words “You are my son” to Mark on his dying bed, but two possible scenarios could be in question: (1) When a person is on his dying bed, he’s either not in his right state of mind, or in a very sensible state of mind. Could it be that Sammy was simply a bit outside the realm of reality at that time, or no?
(2) Sammy could have been intentionally making his adopted son Mark, aware of one thing- that although they were not of the same blood, Sammy loved him and viewed him as his own flesh and blood and Mark was his son in his mind, his heart and his soul…no matter what a DNA test could ever prove.
So although they say that blood is thicker than water, could it be that Sammy Davis Jr. was trying to tell Mark that in their case, LOVE is thicker than blood?