Sony Music is facing serious legal problems over a massive confession that could leave a blemish on the record label’s reputation and Michael Jackson’s stellar career. According to Bossip, the King of Pop’s posthumous album Michael is at the center of heightened controversy because Sony is accused of including tracks on the album that featured fake Michael Jackson vocals. Although we all know Michael has always had a very distinctive voice, the global music conglomerate may have gotten away with selling songs that were not sung by Michael.
Three Songs In Question:
According to The Guardian, the three songs from the album in question are titled, “Monster,” “Breaking News,” and “Keep Your Head Up.” If you’ve heard all three songs, you probably didn’t even consider the fact that you weren’t listening to Michael. In most cases, posthumous album sales are usually massive because fans are so focused on getting their hands on the last piece of newly released music they’ll ever hear from the artist.
This is something the courts are accusing Sony of taking advantage of. It has been reported that even after confessing to the allegations surrounding the three songs, this week Sony submitted a request to the judge to be excluded as defendants in the case surrounding the three songs. Although the company reportedly marketed the album and sold the songs under Michael’s name, it claims the confession was “only for the purposes of this motion.” Sony still insists it “reserve the right to take a different stance outside of the appeal case.”
It should be interesting to see how Sony fairs in court following this kind of confession.
How It All Started:
The latest bombshell follows the 2014 scandal surrounding the album. That all started when one of the singer’s fans Vera Serova filed a lawsuit against Michael Jackson’s longtime friend Eddie Cascio’s production company, Angelikson Productions LLC. Cascio and his brother, part owner of the company, were accused of producing and releasing music marketed as authentic Michael Jackson tracks. The songs were sold through the singer’s estate and Sony Music. Initially, it seemed like the claims were a bit outlandish but a little digging revealed the claims weren’t so strange after all.
Now fans and critics everywhere are slamming Sony for the lengths they’ve gone to in order to capitalize off the late legendary singer’s name and legacy. “The fact that Sony was ready to admit that the songs may be fake has been known for a while. What they are now trying to do is shift the blame of the case to Cascio.”
Critics have also stressed how disastrous this could be for the music industry if Sony gets away with this type of behavior as it could be a “dangerous precedent for other legacy artists in the future”.
Mike Smallcombe, author of the Michael Jackson biography Making Michael has also addressed the situation. “Those three songs need to be removed from the album immediately, and the executors of the estate should resign.”
Sony Responds:
As expected, Sony is defending its stance. “No one has conceded that Michael Jackson did not sing on the songs. The hearing on Tuesday was about whether the first amendment protects Sony Music and the estate, and there has been no ruling on the issue of whose voice is on the recordings.” This case will likely be ongoing.