Back at it again 😏
— Serena Williams (@serenawilliams) July 6, 2018
While it’s not possible to catch every moment of your child’s life, there are certain parts you try not to miss. Unfortunately for Serena, baby Alexis Olympia took up legs as mama was at practice in the UK.
Williams’ daughter, Alexis, has pretty much taken over her mother’s social media presence. From Instagram to Snapchat, Facebook to Twitter, Little Ms. Olympia is everywhere. And usually, Mama Serena is right there by her side.
In an understandable range of emotions, Williams took to Twitter on Saturday, July 7, to express herself. As would seem to be pure chance, Serena — of all the times she’s captured with Alexis — missed one of the most important in a parent’s life: your child taking those first steps.
Via Twitter, around 1:30 a.m., the world-renown tennis star tweeted as follows.
“She took her first steps… I was training and missed it. I cried.”
She took her first steps… I was training and missed it. I cried.
— Serena Williams (@serenawilliams) July 7, 2018
Although her words are short, as a parent, you know they were packed full of emotion.
On the same day, Serena Williams posted: “I’ve spent a lot of summer weekends in London in my life but something feels different about this one!”
That’s the thing about hindsight, right? It’s never there when it was needed.
Fans and supporters — many of whom are parents — have come to her side with their own stories.
Several people have let her know there’ll be plenty cherishable moments between her and Alexis to experience. Plus, her child is still learning to walk. So, Serena will get to watch the transition from stumble steps to full mastery.
Twitter user @Rager1000 comments as follows.
“But she was there, inside of you, when you won, here in Australia last year. It was just you and your girl – no one else (apart from a few millions fans cheering you on!). You’ll be there to share in so many special moments and they will be wonderful!”
Likewise, another by the username @KarenWalton26 says she missed her child’s first steps, and she was in the same room.
“I missed first steps because a grandparent was standing in front of me!!” Karen exclaims. “I was right there and still missed it.”
With this in mind, as previously mentioned, Alexis has become sort of the highlight of Serena Williams’ social media now; they have an audience for sure.
Some even expressed knowing it was only a matter of time before Alexis started walking on her own.
All in all, Serena’s taking it better. She hasn’t let it keep her down. Although she’s a mother, she still has a job to do and legacy to defend.
Yet, at the same time, she possibly realizes there’ll be a lifetime of special moments between her and baby Alexis.
Who knows. “Alexis Olympia” does have a certain ring to it. It’s probable she could follow in her mother’s footsteps.
What are your thoughts about Williams’ having missed the little one’s first steps? What about you? Did you see or miss your child’s first? If so, how did you feel about it? If you have any comments, feel free to share them via our Facebook page.
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[Featured Photo via Serena Williams / All Things Serena / Twitter]