Two years ago comedic legend, Sinbad, suffered a stroke, and now his family says he’s still fighting a very tough battle to regain his strength.
In the first update Sinbad’s family has given since his 2020 stroke was revealed, they have released a detailed statement on his current condition. They say Sinbad is still learning how to walk; as well as perform basic tasks, as he regains some strength in limbs that were previously classified as “dead.”
His loved ones have shared that Sinbad was hospitalized for nine months, prior to being released in July of this year (2022), and that he is still “fighting for every inch” of his recovery, but the road will be a long one.

According to Sinbad’s family, there is only a 30% chance of surviving a ischemic stroke, like the one he suffered. Therefore, they are beyond grateful that Sinbad was able to beat those odds. They say he suffered a blood clot originally, which sparked the stroke…but unfortunately, things took a major turn for the worst, and here’s what the family says happened to Sinbad next:
“[Sinbad] was rushed into surgery at West Hills Medical Center that night where the doctor’s performed a thrombectomy to remove the clot and restore normal blood flow to the brain.
The family’s statement continued:
“After surgery, Sinbad was talking and moving with some weakness, but the prognosis was very promising. The next day, however, another blood clot formed, half the size of the first. He underwent the same surgery again successfully but it took a little more from him than the first surgery. He was transferred to Cedar Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles where the doctors indicated that his brain had begun to swell. They performed a craniotomy to relieve the pressure and reduce the swelling. During surgery, however, the doctors discovered a bleed. It was hours before the family learned Sinbad had returned to the Neuro-ICU in a medically induced coma and placed on a ventilator. Our hearts were devastated. The road to recovery became unclear and extremely difficult for the family to navigate.”

Sinbad’s family says unfortunately, his therapy bills have “far exceeded” what his insurance company covers. So they’re asking anyone who finds it in their hearts to financially contribute whatever you can, feel free to do so at Sinbad’s website, TheJourneyForward.life, and click the tab that reads, “Gift.” They also shared these words of gratitude for fans and loved ones who have been praying for Sinbad’s recovering and leaving supportive messages for him:
“The family believes, without exception, Sinbad is here because of the multitude of prayers from all who know and love him. We are eternally grateful. Every outpouring of love and the memories of how he has touched all of you have not gone unheard, unseen, or unfelt. Thank you. You have lifted his spirits along the way and inspired the entire family.”
Sinbad’s family said he’s told them, “I am not done. I will not stop fighting until I can walk across the stage again.” And in response, they’re saying, “neither will we.”
Donate to Sinbad’s recovery efforts HERE and HERE. And if you need further assistance with gifting a donation to Sinbad, the Adkins’ family (Sinbad’s fam’) says you can email them at adkins.snt@gmail.com.
Sending love and light to Sinbad at this time. Hope to see this brotha make a full recovery.