Okay, let’s rewind for a minute. You remember Rene’, right? He was in the R&B group, Rene’ & Angela (with Angela Winbush), and they gave us fire joints like I’ll Be Good, Your Smile, You Don’t Have To Cry, and a bunch more.
Now, back to why he hitting the Hold On singers with an incredibly loaded law suit. According to TMZ:
En Vogue cheated on their record label and cost them over $100M … so says the company suing the group for leaving them high and dry for another label.
According to the legal docs … Rufftown Entertainment owner Rene Moore says he doled out $190K to front a huge En Vogue comeback in 2010 with OG members Cindy Herron, Terry Ellis and Maxine Jones that never happened.
Moore says they never toured or cut an album and signed with another label — Pyramid Records — in 2014.
He believes they’ve cost him a fortune and wants both the group and Pyramid to cough up any potential money they cost him — to the tune of well over $100 million.
Here’s 2011 video footage of En Vogue in the studio announcing their comeback…
Although the ladies of En Vogue are successful business people, we don’t know any of these ladies’ personal financial situation, nor is it our business to know. However, I’m willing to bet that even if they were only being asked to pay half of that hundred mil,’ they probably do not have it pouring in like that…at least not from music profits.
So, I’m not sure how successful Rene was hoping to be with his lawsuit, but I guess he just said to himself: ‘Hey, aim high, so that I won’t have to settle for anything ridiculously less.’
Hopefully all parties involved were able to reach a common agreement on this one…because all we – the fans – really want, is beautiful music, minus the legal battles, finger-pointing and drama.