So Sad, Bobbi Kris' Roommate Saw Her Doing THIS Prior To Being Found

So Sad, Bobbi Kris’ Roommate Saw Her Doing THIS Prior To Being Found

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Bobbi Kristina’s friend and roommate revealed details about what she saw Bobbi Kristina doing in their home in the days leading up to Bobbi Kris’ being found unconscious in her bathtub on July 26, 2015.

Fox News has reported that the young lady’s deposition has been made public and what she revealed in it is something that is very disheartening and should make all of us want to hug our children, no matter how old they may be, just a little bit tighter today just to let them know that we love them and are here for them, even in their darkest hours.

Here is what was reported via Fox News:

‘In a newly released deposition, a friend and ex-roommate of Bobbi Kristina Brown’s claims the star smoked crack and did heroin in the days leading up to her death.

The daughter of the late Whitney Houston and singer Bobby Brown died on July 26 at the age of 22 after she was found unconscious in a bathtub and spent months unresponsive in medical facilities.

On Monday, a deposition was released in which the former roommate states Bobbi Kristina Brown “smoked marijuana, she probably smoked crack often, and also did…

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