The past few months have been disastrous for Tyrese, but what you’re about to witness with him right now, is enough to make anybody cry…or either worry about the brotha’s emotional state. We all know that Ty’ has always been one to where his heart on his sleeve and has no problem sharing his true feelings with his millions of social media followers.

Over the past two months, he’s had his most precious gift- his 11 year old daughter, Shayla- taken away from him after his ex-wife claimed he beat her, which he adamantly denies. Then things started to look like they were taking a turn for the better, when he and Shayla recently posted a cute video online, of them celebrating her 11th birthday. That was the first time he’d gotten to see, or talk to, Shayla in 60 days, but that was just a one day visit.
We’ve also seen Tyrese blast his Fast & Furious co-star, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, for discreetly accepting a spin-off film and leaving all, but one, of his Fast co-stars out of it. Now Tyrese is having an apparent emotional breakdown over his daughter and he’s blaming The Rock and his baby momma for it. **Scroll to down to watch his heartbreaking video meltdown**

In a series of online posts, Tyrese made a few shocking revelations: (1) He’s now broke, after spending most of his money on legal fees to fight for his daughter. (2) He may be about to completely lose custody, because he can no longer afford the proper legal representation. (3) He can no longer find work in Hollywood. Y’all have got to see the emotional messages and video he posted below…
Reveals He’s Broke & What He Asked Privately Of The Rock
Tyrese: “I was never mad at The Rock – I was just mad that he was “pitched” an idea privately and said yes to it without thinking of what I’m dealing with personally I’m almost broke paying legal fees and is doing what we committed to doing for the #FastFans and #FastFamily cause the fast is tradition it’s not just another Movie Fast was created to COUNTER images of racism to counter that WE ARE NOT ONE RACE…… So the rock how does it feel bro?…. going home to your daughter every night…. it’s was 60 days before I seen my baby….. and all I asked you to do “privately” was NOT accept a role that would deeply effect us all……. You are simply NOT the people’s champ….. you are a selfish champ….. I’m almost broke swimming in legal fees CAA tried but couldn’t book me anything cause my ex wife killed my reputation so no one wants to hire me.. It’s not about I know I know I know right?? Says the man on the Forbes list.. Make sure you kiss your 2 daughters when you get home I wish I could but I can’t afford to fight for my baby anymore so they’re likely going to take her away……. Thanks Dewayne see you guys in 2020 and I will not delete this post cause the TRUTH of selfish people in Hollywood needs to be mentioned……………… to this day Dewayne has NOT called me back as u see me crying every 3 hours over my baby know #ShaylaRocks”
His Revenge
Then he revealed he got The Rock’s role axed from their upcoming Fast N’ Furious movie, as payback…
(Video) Watch Tyrese’s Emotional Breakdown
The most scary and heartbreaking part to watch was this video, where Tyrese completely broke down crying at the end and shouted “Don’t take my baby!!!”…
Tyrese is clearly going through one of the worst times of his life, hopefully everything will turn out alright for him in the end.