Son Of Cameo Singer Chose Totally Different Career Than His Pops That Many Didn't See Coming

Son Of Cameo Singer Chose Totally Different Career Than His Pops That Many Didn’t See Coming

Larry Blackmon of Cameo

Larry Blackmon, Cameo’s lead singer, known for rockin’ his red cup on stage, has a son who couldn’t be more different from his Pops. In fact, after learning what his son does for a living and how he impacts his community, you’ll probably be just as surprised as many folks were – including us- upon first learning bout him.

Meet Larry Blackmon’s Son

Introducing Larry Blackmon’s son, Larry Scott Blackmon. ILOSM family, we “got a weird thing to show you, so tell all the boys and girls/tell your brother, your sister and your momma too” that Larry Blackmon’s son is a politician and community activist! In fact, he just ran for a powerful political position, which we’ll get to in a minute.

Cameo singer, Larry Blackmon Sr. (R) with his son, Larry Scott Blackmon (L) (via Twitter)

Even though Larry Scott looks a lot like his famous pops and shares his musical abilities, he chose a more corporate profession, that would allow him to build a name for himself without ever leaning on his daddy’s. We respect that about him. In an interview with TNJ, he said “I never wanted anyone in politics to say I achieved anything because of my father.”

Larry Scott is very well known on the New York scene among the political world and the activism community. He’s worked with any political figures in the game, including former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer, former president nominee, Hillary Rodham Clinton; and U.S. Rep. Charles Rangel.

Ever since 2014, he has served as ‘Vice President of community and government affairs’ for the popular New York based online grocer, Fresh Direct. According to reports, ‘Blackmon leads FreshDirect’s community and governmental interactions, growing current partnerships and cultivating new relationships.’

Although he loves his current gig, in 2017 Larry Scott had another political goal that he went after full steam ahead…only for it to get shrouded in unwanted controversy…

Blackson’s Son Ran For Prominent Political Seat, But Lost For A Shady Reason

Larry Scott Blackmon (via Facebook)

In 2017, many didn’t realize that the politician they were rooting for, during a political run for New York City Council, was actually the Cameo singer’s son. Larry Scott laid so much groundwork in the political arena for decades, that his work spoke for itself, and garnered him a huge chance at winning last year’s election.

He ended up losing the election and many believe it was due to the controversy surrounding his name being removed from and then reinstated on the City Council ballot. Opponents accused Larry Scott Blackmon, and/or his lawyer, of getting special treatment from the city’s elected officials at the time of the campaigning process. His opponents felt that he violated the rules of running for city council and for a hot second, so did some of the Board of Elections committee. Therefore, they pulled Larry Scott Blackmon’s name off the ballot in January 2017.

Via New York Post: In what critics claim is an extraordinary political deal, seven of the 10 commissioners on the city’s Board of Elections abstained in a vote to remove a politically-connected candidate, Larry Scott Blackmon, from the ballot — overruling their own lawyers and ignoring legal precedent.

The case involves the Feb. 14 special election to fill the Harlem City Council seat vacated by Inez Dickens, who won the state Assembly spot given up by Manhattan Democratic Party chairman Keith Wright. Among the nine candidates is Blackmon, who is backed by Dickens and Wright.

But Blackmon made a big mistake — he submitted petitions to run under the banner of the “Harlem Family” Party while gathering petitions. Candidates are barred from running under a partisan party banner in a non-partisan, special election.The board’s staff then recommended yanking Blackmon from the ballot.

In an abrupt turn of events, the board then voted to reverse their decision and reinstate Larry Scott back onto the ballot. That is what prompted many of his naysayers to publicly accuse him of striking some type of deal behind with the board members on the low. None of that was proven, but as you can imagine, that ruckus caused his name to be tarnished in the NY City Council election. He ended up losing the election to fellow Democratic opponent, Bill Perkins. Nonetheless, Larry Scott’s legendary pops is still very proud of the man his son has become.

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