Superfan Who Changed Name To Michael Jackson Wants To Change It Back After Leaving Neverland - Page 2 of 2

Superfan Who Changed Name To Michael Jackson Wants To Change It Back After Leaving Neverland

'Leaving Neverland' — New Michael Jackson Documentary Seeks To 'Expose' Sexual Abuse

He Claims To Have Thrown His Souvenirs Away

John went on to say: “As a child I bought anything and everything I could get my hands on, I bought his albums in every format I could, this obsession has been going for 25 years, since I was 12 years old, I could have easily spent over a million on it.”

“You do idolise these people and you just never really know what they are actually doing.”

“I’ve deleted all his songs and got rid of all my MJ souvenirs and memorabilia. It all went straight in the bin almost immediately after I had watched the documentary.”

Louis Vuitton Removed His Collection


In the wake of the Leaving Neverland documentary, fashion brand Louis Vuitton confirmed it would remove items from its Jackson-inspired menswear collection.

Jackson songs have also been pulled from radio station playlists in Ireland, Canada and New Zealand.

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