Wow, it’s been 16 years since T-Boz of TLC had her “Baby-Baby-Baby”, and she is now all grown up! T-Boz — whose real name is Tionne Tenese Watkins and rap artist, Mack 10 welcomed daughter Chase Anela Rolison in August of 2000. While we here at ILOSM love to check up on our favorite celebs to see how they are doing, we also love to see their kids and how they have “shaped up” as the children of some of our favorite “celebs”.
Beautiful Young Lady
T-Boz’s Health Status
We recently reported that T-Boz took aim toward the Black Lives Matter Movement, questioning why the movement isn’t standing up for the predominantly African American affiliated disease- sickle cell. She also voiced her concern for her children every time she enters the hospital from her sickle cell crisis. But the biggest shocker came when she revealed that she’d almost died a few times from sickle cell and kept it from the public.

After Prodigy’s passing T-Boz is ready to let the world know and vows to do way more to help other sickle cell patients who do not have the means to always afford and/or help themselves.
@TheRealTBOZ: I tweaked My Back 2Day so been later out 2Day!!! It Saddens me to hear about #Prodigy My ❤️& prayers go out to his family! I’ve been trying My BEST to Raise Awareness & Find A Cure With not much Help from those like the SCDAA who should be utilizing artist like me with a platform. We have to be our own ADVOCATES Regardless of those who don’t support have no compassion or understanding of this deadly disease.
I HATE it takes the death of a celebrity to bring even more notice to something I talk about almost in every interview for 25years.
“#BLM THIS disease is PREDOMINATELY an African American Disease so Black Lives Have Mattered over more than just one topic or issue. WE NEED TO SUPPORT 1 ANOTHER OVER ALL compassion for people as HUMAN BEINGS not objects and lab rats but help to FIND A CURE SAVE OURSELVES.”
“Lastly I will continue to spread the word I HOPE THIS WILL URGE MORE OF U TO HELP ME DO SO!!! I also opened up in my book about it for the 1st time ever and this is one of the reasons why!!! People have NO IDEA HOW UGLY THIS DISEASE IS! Adults and children die allllll the time. But you NEVER hear about it! Doctors FONT UNDERSTAND THIS DISEASE THEY TREAT US LIKE CRAP IN THE ER AND HOSPITAL anyone can read a book and recite it bk but that doesn’t mean u are KNOWLEDGEABLE ABOUT SICKLE CELL WAKE UP ITS A PROBLEM. With that being said I’ll stop my rant but ITS SERIOUS and SOMETHING HAS TO CHANGE FOR US SICKLERS WE NEED ALLLLLL THE HELP WE CAN [GET].”
“Also IM TIRED OF PEOPLE SAYING MONEY CAN [BUY] THINGS LIKE WHAT????? U CANT BUY KNOWLEDGE SO THERES STILL NO CURE STOP AND EDUCATE YOURSELVES. And sadly if you hv SC and over 40 at this time your F*cked because they only try to help the babies WHICH IS A BLESSING but I want to raise. My children THEY NEED ME AND I NEED THEM!!!! I ask my doctor ALL the time and he says their some trying to still figure it out but KNIW that we want to LIVE!!!! GOD has seen me thru. So much! This is WHY I started #TbozUnplugged to 1.Raise Awareness 2.Find a Cure a solution a something I’m fighting for myself as well as U.”
On Her Nearly Fatal Hospital Visits
“So you know THIS fight for me is soooooo REAL! Chase & Chance are my LIFE and I can’t tell u how many times I almost didn’t leave the hospital and almost died I don’t tell cuz I don’t want pity BUT I will tell my story now if this will help somehow some way. There’s MONEY IN MEDICINE THEIR TOO [BUSY] WITH MOST DISEASES TREATING SYMPTOMS AND NOT FINDING THE CAUSE!!!! #FACTS”