Tag Archives: Gerald Levert

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This year (2018) it will be 12 years since the world lost one of the most fire R&B singers to ever grace the music game, Gerald Levert, and yet there still new interesting facts that surface about him from time to time. This time around, it’s his biracial daughter that many never knew about and what her new career is.

Up until now many of us, Gerald Levert fans, only knew of two of his children, but it’s really cool to see his other daughter who has grown up and become a beautiful, ambitious young lady. If her Gerald were here today, he would be beaming with pride over her now. See what we mean below…


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Some of y’all may recall our previous article, where we introduced you to Gerald’s youngest child, Camryn Levert, and her mother (see her on the next page). Well, now Camyrn is an 19 year old R&B singer, with a beautiful voice and a bangin’ new single! She sent ILOSM her song/video titled, “The Way,” and it’s very refreshing to hear, because it’s not like a lot of the nonsense, nursery rhyme songs on today’s radio. Ms. Levert clearly has respect for her artistry, just like singers had back in the day, including her Pops and her grandfather, Eddie Levert. Check out her video below…

Now, I’ve gotta admit that when we first watched Camyrn Levert’s video, some of us, here at ILOSM, actually got a little misty eyed. Although she just had 8 years with her dad, Gerald, just to see his seed pick up the torch and carry it, is a beautiful thing. SEE WHO HER MOTHER IS & WHAT CAMRYN REVEALED TO ILOSM…


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Like we mentioned earlier, Camryn Levert is biracial. Her mother is Caucasian and above is a throwback photo toddler Camryn, with her parents back in the day…


Below are a few interesting facts Camyrn shared with us about herself, her music, her grandfather Eddie Levert, and more…

She’s been singing almost ever since she could talk:

I’m 18 and I’m from Cleveland, Ohio. I’ve been singing since I was 5, and I took music more seriously when I turned 10.

She’s very driven about her music career and very close to her grandfather, Eddie Levert:

I ended moving to Vegas to pursue my music career and be closer to my Grandpa Eddie Levert.

I took a break from singing when I was 15 to focus on finishing high school off strong. Then, when I graduated May of 2016, I reached out to a producer named Swagg R’ Celious (produced music for H.E.R., Kehlani, Elle Varner, etc..). After, speaking to him a couple of times he agreed to record and produce my first EP.

She’s a song writer:

I flew out to New York 3 times, where Swagg resides, and over a period of 6 months of writing with two of my good friends, coming up with melodies, and picking out different tracks, we finished the whole EP titled Moments. I decided I wanted “The Way” to be the first single off the EP because I co-wrote majority of this song and I never wrote my music before this project. The lyrics mean a lot to me because the song really expresses how I feel. It’s very self explanatory. The next single is set to be released in March, and the EP is set to be released this summer. I’m just really excited and I can’t wait to put it out.


Camyrn Levert: You can download my single “The Way,” for free on www.camrynlevert.com.

ILOSM family make some noise if you thought that Gerald and Eddie Levert were the only sons Eddie Levert had. Yeah, we did too, that is until we came across Gerald’s and Sean’s big brother. All these years have passed and he’s managed to slide under the radar, but he has always been a very vital part of his brothers’ and his Pops’ lives. Check him out below…

Meet Gerald & Sean Levert’s Big Brother!

Eddie Levert Sr. never ceases to surprise us, after we reported the shocker that Eddie (75) and his younger wife, Raquel, have a young daughter, whom many never even knew existed, we also learned that there is an Eddie Levert JUNIOR!

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Eddie Levert Jr. with his dad, Eddie Levert Sr. (via Facebook)

Meet Eddie Levert Jr. (pictured above, left with his dad, Eddie Sr.) he’s Eddie’s eldest son and his mother is Joyce Hogan. Little is known about Eddie Jr. because he’s the total opposite of his dad and his two brothers- he doesn’t enjoy the spotlight. What we do know is that he’s been his Pops’ manager for many years though. Eddie Sr. also has an adult daughter named Kandice and a teen daughter.

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Gerald and Sean Levert’s brother, Eddie Levert Jr. (via Facebook)

And there ya’ have it family! Like we always say, we learn something new everyday around here.

Eddie Levert Speaks About His Late Sons

Speaking of Sean and Gerald Levert, their dad, Eddie Levert, to The Pain Dealer, about how his struggles with their passing. Here’s what he revealed:
Eddie Levert on his sons’ untimely passings…

Eddie Levert: “If it wasn’t supposed to be, it wouldn’t have happened. I wish I could tell you that I had a sense of why, but I don’t. I still wonder: Was it something I did? Maybe that’s why I’ve made so many changes in my life, to better myself and try to be a better father, a better husband, a better friend. Maybe that’s the reason why: for me to come to a better place. But I can’t dwell on it. It becomes very emotional for me. It gets to a place where . . . [he pauses and his voice cracks] … I really miss them. It’s just hard. But I can’t get caught up in the fact that it wasn’t supposed to be like this, because it happened. -The PlainDealer

How He Copes…
During his process of grieving, Eddie credits his religious faith with helping him to cope with his heartache:

Via TPD: “I read the Book of Job. He lost everything. I didn’t lose everything. I lost two sons. It’s not trivial. But compared to somebody who lost their whole family — do you understand? — I was left something. God is still great. I kept praying to God, and God kept giving me strength. I had days when I blubbered like a baby, just crying. I still have those moments. But I have a purpose now.”

It’s still hard to believe those two great souls, Sean and Gerald Levert, are no longer here with us, but hopefully their parents and children have found some peace in the beautiful memories they shared with them while here. Rest on Levert brothers…job well done.

After Gerald Levert passed away in November of 2006 from an accidental overdose of prescription meds and over-the-counter meds, everyone was wondering how Eddie, who was extremely close to his son, would be able to go on. But 14 months later in March of 2008, the unthinkable happened when Eddie’s other son, Sean Levert, died from withdrawals from the anxiety med, Xanax, while in police custody for non-payments of child support. After that, friends and fans alike became even more concerned about how Eddie and his ex-wife, Martha, (Sean and Gerald’s mom) would be able to keep on keeping on.

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(L-R) Sean Levert, Eddie Levert, Gerald Levert (via Instagram)

A few years ago, Eddie opened up to The Plain Dealer and Ebony about how he’s been coping with Gerald and Sean’s death. He also manned up and willingly admitted where he feels he went wrong as a father to them. Here are excerpts from those interviews.

On his sons’ untimely deaths

Eddie Levert: “If it wasn’t supposed to be, it wouldn’t have happened. I wish I could tell you that I had a sense of why, but I don’t. I still wonder: Was it something I did? Maybe that’s why I’ve made so many changes in my life, to better myself and try to be a better father, a better husband, a better friend. Maybe that’s the reason why: for me to come to a better place. But I can’t dwell on it. It becomes very emotional for me. It gets to a place where . . . [he pauses and his voice cracks] … I really miss them. It’s just hard. But I can’t get caught up in the fact that it wasn’t supposed to be like this, because it happened. -The PlainDealer

How He Copes

During his process of grieving, Eddie credits his religious faith with helping him to cope with his heartache:

Via TPD: “I read the Book of Job. He lost everything. I didn’t lose everything. I lost two sons. It’s not trivial. But compared to somebody who lost their whole family — do you understand? — I was left something. God is still great. I kept praying to God, and God kept giving me strength. I had days when I blubbered like a baby, just crying. I still have those moments. But I have a purpose now.”

The music and memories Eddie has of performing with his sons, are what ultimately get him through day by day:

“The music has always been healing. With Gerald and Sean, the times we had together onstage are some of the greatest moments of my life, man. The times that I was onstage with them doing ‘Casanova’ or ‘Baby Hold on to Me’ or ‘Wind Beneath My Wings’ — to me, those are priceless.

Even now, when I go and perform those songs by myself, they’re medicine. The most therapeutic time I have in my whole life is that hour and a half that I do onstage. Because for an hour and a half, I don’t think about nothing but the music. Don’t think about the pain in my knees. Don’t think about the pain in my back. Don’t think about how I feel bad. All of that goes away as soon as I start doing that music.” [TPD]

On His Regrets

National Museum of African American Music - NMAAM 2016 Black Music Honors - Show
Eddie Levert  (Photo by Jason Davis/Getty Images for National Museum of African American Music)

Eddie admitted his personal struggles when raising his two sons bak in the day:

“When Gerald and Sean passed away, I wanted to really blame myself because I felt like it was some things I could’ve kept them from seeing that I did in my life, as a father. You know what I’m saying? People say, ‘You’re a great dad,’ and all of that, but I’m a person, too, you know?

I used to take them on the road with me, because it was my wife’s chance to get her break. I’d take the kids for the summer and she’d be able to get off into her ministry as being one of Jehovah’s witnesses. She was a great woman; she just had a rotten man. You know? And I can speak of that guy as being a rotten man because he didn’t know what he had and he didn’t know who he was or what he should’ve been doing. It was ignorance. I had to learn. [Ebony]

Sean and Gerald have unfortunately transitioned on, but they have left their father with one of the greatest gifts anyone could ask for- the gift of wisdom.

For the past 8 years, we’ve all heard Mo’Nique tell her side of the story about how Precious director, Lee Daniels, Oprah Winfrey, and Tyler Perry blackballed her in Hollywood, for refusing to promote the film Precious “for free.” The actress/comedian has repeatedly blasted all three heavy-hitters for secretly destroying her career, because she refused to allow them to “bully” her.

Premiere Of Universal's 'Almost Christmas' - Arrivals
Actress/comedian, Mo’Nique (Photo by Paul Archuleta/FilmMagic)

Details on Mo’Nique’s & Whoopi’s Tense Exchange

On Thursday (2-23-18), Mo’ met her match when she sat down to chop it up with Whoopi Goldberg on The View. They discussed the situation in greater detail and as Mo’Nique was telling her side of the situation again, Whoopi had to stop her and “school” her about how she should’ve handled that particular situation for the greater good of her career going forward. Whoopi also reminded her about the help she tried to extend to Mo’ at that time. However, Mo’Nique was sticking to her guns about the fact that she was not contractually wrong/nor obligated to do film promotion for free. Check out their exchange below (scroll down for the intense video footage):
Mo’Nique- “I’ve done my job”…

Mo’Nique: “Eight years ago I did a movie called Precious,” said Mo. “On that film I received $50,000. That was not my argument, nor my fight because that’s what I signed up for,” she said. “My deal was with a man named Lee Daniels. I did all of my contractual obligations and I was done. Then I started getting phone calls from Lee Daniels, Tyler Perry and Oprah Winfrey. They wanted me to come work for free. To go over to Cannes and promote this film internationally. I said to them, ‘Guys, my deal is with Lee Daniels and I’ve done my job.’ And they all agreed. […] And this is what happens, in my humble opinion, when you don’t go up to the hotel room,” she said.

The Cinema Society Hosts A Screening Of Marvel Studios' 'Black Panther'
Actress/comedian/”The View” co-host, Whoopi Goldberg (Photo by Roy Rochlin/Getty Images)

Whoopi- ‘Hol’ up, let me school you’…

Whoopi: “I’m going to stop you because contractually, when you make a movie, regardless of who you sign the deal with, your job is to go and promote said movie,” said Whoopi. “And we’ve had this conversation and I said if you had called me I could’ve schooled you on what was expected.”

Mo’Nique: “And we did have that conversation and what I said to you my sweet sister, I said, ‘Whoopi, at what point do we stop saying the next time?’” Whoopi asked, “What next time?”

Mo’Nique- ‘I’m not letting them bully me’…

“If I had done something wrong contractually, they would’ve sued me,” added Mo’Nique. “The reason why no one could do anything to me contractually is because they found out I did nothing wrong contractually. So, when they asked me to come overseas to promote the film — when I said, ‘Guys, I’m spending time with my family, I’m going to pass.’ […] What Tyler Perry showed me, Lee Daniels, Oprah Winfrey and Lionsgate, when you don’t do what we ask you to do, we’ll take your livelihood. So for eight years, my family has suffered, my career has suffered because what I would not allow those entities to do was bully me.”

The entire time Mo’Nique spoke about this situation, Whoopi gave her the side eye and once Mo’ was done, Whoopi cut the convo’ short and simply thanked her for coming to the show. Watch the tense exchange below…

Could Mo’Nique Learn Something From Whoopi

Although Mo’ is correct in her statements, that she was not contractually obligated to promote the film free of charge, Whoopi seems to have been trying to explain to her, that there is a difference between sacrificing a little to pay your dues in the game, versus being messed over. Whoopi has managed to have a very long career in Hollywood and outside of Hollywood, paving the way for comedians/actresses like Mo’Nique. Therefore, although Mo’ has a point, because it is never okay to be ‘bullied,’ she still could have maybe learned a thing or two from Whoopi about how to successfully play the game and come out on top in the end. At any rate, I still respect Mo’Nique’s fearlessness to stand up and speak out for whatever she feels is right.

Many others agree and disagree with Mo’ on this one and have voiced their opinions on social media. But as we previously reported, she has also gained many allies in her quest for equality in Hollywood. One of them is LaMicah Levert, son of Mo’Nique’s dear friend, the late R&B legend, Gerald Levert. See what he said about this below…

Gerald Levert’s SON Defends His Dad’s Friend, Mo’Nique

Gerald Levert’s son, LaMicah (via Instagram)

Many of y’all may remember when we previously introduced you to LaMicah Levert. Not only is he the spitting image of his pops, but just like his daddy, he’s a very good friend to Mo’Nique. Gerald and Mo’Nique go way back. Although many believed they dated, Gerald Levert confirmed, in an interview, that they were just homies. But because fans assumed there was romance, he said Mo’Nique, being a comedian, playfully played on that. He thought it was funny and so did she, so there’s the end of that rumor. Anywho, back to LaMicah’s defense of Mo’Nique- the woman he’s known since he was a youngin’.

LaMicah Levert recently took to Instagram to defend Mo’Nique and pay homage to her for always helping his family, even after his father was gone. He posted a throwback photo of himself, Mo’Nique, and his dad’s ex-girlfriend/Xscape singer, Kandi Burruss (if you didn’t know about Kandi and Gerald, you can catch that scoop HERE). Check out LaMicah’s post below:


Kandi Burruss, Stands With Mo’Nique

Also, as we previously reported, in addition to Levert’s look-alike son ridin’ with Mo’Nique, Gerald’s ex-girlfriend/Xscape singer, Kandi Burruss, showed love to Mo’Nique online as well. By the way, even though Kandi and Gerald were no longer dating at the time of his passing in 2006, Kandi and LaMicah are still very close to this day. So it was only natural that they both shared the same photo, on Instagram, at the same time. In a more lighthearted homage, The Real Housewives of Atlanta star jokingly played on some of the wording of Mo’Nique’s Netflix boycott message, but it was all in good fun:


When It Rains It Pours…Mo’Nique’s Tax Problems

Unfortunately for Mo’Nique, as she continues to fight for what she feels is right within Hollywood, just like the Old School saying goes: ‘When it rains, it pours.’ Her current tax troubles are definitely an example of that. It was reported that ‘Uncle Sam’ is after Mo’Nique for owing ‘more than $560,000 – $560,625.72 to be exact. Reports suggest that the latest lien, filed in 2016, was the result of unpaid taxes from 2013 and 2014. “In 2016, she had a tax lien filed against her for the years ending 2013 and 2014 for a total of $389,904.98. Last fall, the federal government said she was late paying her taxes in 2015 as well to the tune of $170,720.74.”‘

Mo’Nique has proven herself to be a strong woman, so although this is probably a pretty tense time for her, she’ll more than likely be able to bounce back from it.

Oscar winner award actress and comedian, Mo’Nique, has been getting a lot of mixed reactions over her Netflix boycott lately. In her request for the boycott, Mo’Nique stated that the streaming service was showing herself (and other female entertainers of color) no love, accusing Netflix of gender bias and racial bias.

'Motown 45' Anniversary Celebration - Show
Gerald Levert performs ‘Do You Love Me’ during ‘Motown 45’ Anniversary Celebration – Show at Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, California, United States. (Photo by J. Shearer/WireImage)

Since then, many fans and celebs -including actress, Jada Pinkett-Smith, and comedian, Wanda Sykes- have given Mo’Nique props for having the courage speak up. On the flip side, there have also been many fans and celebs who have disagreed with Mo’Nique’s stance. Through it all though, there is one person who’s ridin’ with Mo’, even if not one other soul on earth does. That person is the 26 year old son of the late R&B legend, Gerald Levert.

Gerald Levert’s son, LaMicah

Many of y’all may remember when we previously introduced you to LaMicah Levert. Not only is he the spitting image of his pops, but just like his daddy, he’s a very good friend to Mo’Nique. Gerald and Mo’Nique go way back. Although many believed they dated, Gerald Levert confirmed in an interview that they were just homies. But because fans assumed there was romance, he said Mo’Nique, being a comedian, playfully played on that. He thought it was funny and so did she, so there’s the end of that rumor. Anywho, back to LaMicah’s defense of Mo’Nique- the woman he’s known since he was a youngin.’

Premiere Of Universal's 'Almost Christmas' - Red Carpet
WESTWOOD, CA – NOVEMBER 03: Actress Mo’Nique arrives at the premiere of Universal’s ‘Almost Christmas’ at Regency Village Theatre on November 3, 2016 in Westwood, California. (Photo by Emma McIntyre/Getty Images)

LaMicah Levert recently took to Instagram to defend Mo’Nique and pay homage to her for always helping his family, even after his father was gone. He posted a throwback photo of himself, Mo’Nique, and his dad’s ex-girlfriend/Xscape singer, Kandi Burruss (if you didn’t know about Kandi and Gerald, you can catch that scoop HERE). Check out LaMicah’s Mo’Nique post below:


Gerald’s look-alike son wasn’t the only one to show some love to Mo’Nique, Kandi also paid homage to her ex-boyfriend’s friend as well. Kandi and LaMicah are also still very close, so it was only natural that they both shared the same photo on Instagram at the same time. In a more lighthearted homage, Kandi jokingly played on some of the wording of Mo’Nique’s Netflix boycott message:


Mo’Nique is probably grateful for the love and we’re sure Gerald Levert would be proud of his son for standing up for his friend no matter what.

This year (2017) it will be 11 years since the world lost one of the most fire R&B singers to ever grace the music game, Gerald Levert, and yet there still new interesting facts that surface about him from time to time. This time around it’s his biracial daughter that many never knew about and what her new career is…

[kkgallery kid=”3120″ title=”WOW! See Gerald Levert’s GROWN DAUGHTER Most NEVER Knew About &HER NEW CAREER”]

ILOSM family make some noise if you thought that Gerald and Eddie Levert were the only sons Eddie Levert had. Yeah, we did too, that is until we came across Gerald’s and Sean’s big brother. All these years have passed and he’s managed to slide under the radar, but he has always been a very vital part of his brothers’ and his Pops’ lives. Check him out below…

[kkgallery kid=”2037″ title=”Whaaat? Gerald & Sean Levert Have A Big BROTHER Most Never Knew About!”]



-ILoveOldSchoolMusic, old school news with a new point of view. Come join us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @iloveoldschoolmusic

Screen Shot 2016-02-29 at 11.34.30 PMThis pretty young lady is the 17 year old daughter of an R&B singer who is no doubt a legend in the music game. Music just runs through her blood because she comes from a family of singers, who all know how to SANG!

Whenever her dad stepped onto a stage back in the day, he stole the ENTIRE show and anybody who was going to come behind him, had some steep competition to follow. He has several children and this is little lady is the youngest of his offspring. Many never knew about her, but here she is and she is very proud of her family’s bloodline and her Pops. Tap that next button to find out who he is…

Gerald Levert with his son, LeMicah Levert
Gerald Levert with his son, LeMicah Levert

The late, great Gerald Levert’s 26 year old son looks so much like his dad, it’s almost scary and when we saw more recent pics of him getting his grown man on, we all were over here doing double takes to make sure it wasn’t an old pic of Gerald instead.

Gerald Levert's son, LeMicah Levert
Gerald Levert’s son, LeMicah Levert

His name is LeMicah Levert and he’s Gerald’s first born. LeMicah was only 16 years old when Gerald sadly passed away in 2006. Although their time was cut short, LeMicah often pays tributes to his dad online and he also reminisces about how extremely close they were.

Gerald Levert's son, LeMicah Levert
Gerald Levert’s son, LeMicah Levert
Gerald Levert's son, LeMicah
Gerald Levert’s son, LeMicah

Gerald would be very proud of his son these days, he graduated from Morehouse College in 2013 and is now continuing to pursue his acting career, as well as produce, write, and manage music artists. He doesn’t sing though, which is what a lot of people often wonder about him, being that he came from a bloodline of singers- his Dad, his uncle Sean Levert, and of course, his grandfather Eddie Levert (of The O’Jays).


Here is a portion of an interview LeMicah did with HowsMyRolling a while back, where he gave some insight into who he is and his relationship with his dad and grandad:

Has acting been something you recently started ?

“No I started acting when I was a little kid like 6 or 7 I did a little work on Nickelodeon, couple commercials. I went to an Arts school. I have an artistic side. My dad died when I was 16 and I felt I had to be obligated to my family and after being in college and being around different things I really felt like I had to get back in acting, that’s where I am meant to be. Im doing some things at Morehouse College and did some work with Tyler Perry.”

Gerald Levert's son, LeMicah Levert

Do you consider yourself a triple threat?

“I don’t sing, I’ll leave that up to my dad and my grandfather. But I have a studio so I record a lot of artist and I help manage and do things of that nature. I always say “Acting is my passion but Music is what I know.” I always wanted to be an executive of a record label.”

Who would be your ideal role to play?

“My Dad. I would really like to play my dad. Im trying to write a story about him. That’s one person I’ve imitated my entire life. To play him or my grandfather would a blessing, that’s something I’ve always wanted to do.”

gerale levert

I think LeMicah’s idea of playing his dad is a good one. I can’t think of any other actor who would be more perfect for that role. I’m not sure how good his acting skills are, but he more than likely could pull it off because he probably just has all of the natural nuances and mannerisms of his Dad, just like Ice Cube’s son, O’Shea Jr., had in Straight Outta Compton. Hopefully we’ll get to see LeMicah as Gerald Levert one day, we’ll keep our fingers crossed on that one.

LeMicah Levert with his mother (R) and Patti LaBelle
LeMicah Levert with his mother (R) and Patti LaBelle

LeMicah also paid a touching tribute to his grandfather, Eddie, on his birthday, which was a beautiful thing to see…

So this is like a Happy Fathers Day / Happy Birthday for this guy @Eddie_Levert . My Grandfather has been with me since birth, so through life I’ve always felt super blessed to basically have two fathers through my Journey. When my Dad passed it was tragic but my grandfather didn’t have to step up to the plate and be more of a father to me because he was already a HUGE part of my life (I’ve been touring the country with him since I can remember and how many people can say they’ve been whooped in at least 5 different states?). You taught me how to keep it real and not worry about what anyone is going to think. You’ve been there and although we’ve had our share of shouting battles I know you’ll always be there. I love you man and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOOOOOOOOOOOOOO YOOOOOOOUUUUUUUU YOOOOOOOUUUUUUUU YOOOOOOOUUUUUUUU #insideJoke

A photo posted by Vert (@leverticus) on

Here’s a quick fun fact about LeMicah: He and singer/Real Housewives of Atlanta star, Kandi Burrus are very close. Kandi’s had a very close-knit relationship with Gerald’s kids for many years. In case you’re wondering why that is, click here to get the backstory on their connection.

In 2013 when LeMicah graduated from Morehouse, Kandi was right there in the rain supporting him…

LeMicah also supported Kandi and her husband Todd when they got married and filmed their wedding for a reality show…

Gerald’s other GROWN child is his beautiful daughter, Carlysia Levert. Carlysia pretty much live a private lifestyle, unlike her brother, but we do know that she sings now, although we’re not sure if she’s pursuing a professional career in R&B.

Gerald Levert's daughter, Carlysia Levert
Gerald Levert’s daughter, Carlysia Levert

She also started an online campaign/movement a couple years ago, called Embrace UR Curves, which is geared toward empowering plus sized women to love their bodies and their sexiness, regardless of what the media tells them that they should be. Here is a clip of Carlysia talking about her movement:

Check out this clip of her in the studio singing her heart out:

Gerald Levert showing his daughter, Carlysia, some love

gerald and carlysia

We’re sure Gerald Levert would be beaming with pride right about now over his children. It’s still hard to believe that Gerald- a cat who was so full of life and positive energy that lit up any room he stepped into, is no longer here. His legacy will continue to live on through his children, his dad, his loved ones and his fans. Keep resting well Gerald, until we meet again and in the meantime we’ll be here jammin’ to the classics cuts that you, your beloved brother Sean, and you group member Marc Gordon graced us with.

fb gerald and sons4 Although it’s been almost 10 years since Eddie Levert lost his son/singer, Gerald, and almost 8 years since he lost his son/singer, Sean, R&B fans across the world are still saddened behind their deaths, so you can probably imagine the amount of grief and pain, their father and mother still go through to this day.

After Gerald passed away in November of 2006 from an accidental overdose of prescription meds and over-the-counter meds, everyone was wondering how Eddie, who was extremely close to his son, would be able to go on. But 14 months later in March of 2008, the unthinkable happened when Sean died from withdrawals from the anxiety med, Xanax, while in police custody for non-payments of child support. After that, friends and fans alike became even more concerned how Eddie and his ex-wife, Martha, (Sean and Gerald’s Mom) would be able to keep on keeping on.
eddie and gerald and sean 4A few years ago Eddie opened up to The Plain Dealer and Ebony about how he’s been coping with the Gerald and Sean’s death. He also manned up and willingly admitted where he feels he went wrong at as a father to Sean and Gerald. Here are excerpts from those interviews:

On his sons’ untimely deaths:

“If it wasn’t supposed to be, it wouldn’t have happened. I wish I could tell you that I had a sense of why, but I don’t. I still wonder: Was it something I did?”

“Maybe that’s why I’ve made so many changes in my life, to better myself and try to be a better father, a better husband, a better friend. Maybe that’s the reason why: for me to come to a better place.

“But I can’t dwell on it. It becomes very emotional for me. It gets to a place where . . .”

His voice cracked and trailed off. A long pause. Taking a deep breath, he finished his thought:

“I really miss them. It’s just hard. But I can’t get caught up in the fact that it wasn’t supposed to be like this, because it happened.

“And there was nothing I could do about it.” -The PlainDealer

Co-founder and member of The O'Jays, Walter Williams
Co-founder and member of The O’Jays, Walter Williams

Co-founder and member of The O’Jays, Walter Williams, explains changes he saw in Eddie after Gerald and Sean’s deaths:

“Eddie told me that he had to get back to work, to take all of that off his mind. I thought it was too soon. But he said he needed to do something. So we went back to work. I could see him at times in the dressing room, staring off way into wherever he was. He wasn’t really himself.

Before we could put a cap on that — and I knew Eddie never could, because he told me that it left a hole in his heart that would never heal — Sean left us. That really destroyed him.” [TPD]

Sean Levert with his mom, Martha
Sean Levert with his mom, Martha

After Sean’s death, Eddie told Walter “I can’t do this anymore. This business has taken a toll on me and my family,” so Walter encouraged him to take break to grieve.

During his process of grieving and healing from losing two sons, Eddie credits his wife, Raquel, and his faith in God and religion with helping him to cope with his heartache:

On his wife: “She’s so intelligent, so humane, so in touch with God. Her stability helped me get through all of that. She’s been a rock for me, a real live crutch I can lean on. She helps keep me focused. She says that I still have a purpose here, that I still have things that I have to do.”

On his faith: “I’m no holy roller by any means. But I believe. There are only two kinds of people in the world: the believer and the nonbeliever. I happen to be a believer.

Eddie Levert and his wife, Racquel
Eddie Levert and his wife, Racquel

“I read the Book of Job. He lost everything. I didn’t lose everything. I lost two sons. It’s not trivial. But compared to somebody who lost their whole family — do you understand? — I was left something. God is still great. I kept praying to God, and God kept giving me strength. I had days when I blubbered like a baby, just crying. I still have those moments. But I have a purpose now.” [TPD]

eddie and gerald singing together The music and memories Eddie has of performing with his sons, are what ultimately get him through day by day:

“The music has always been healing. With Gerald and Sean, the times we had together onstage are some of the greatest moments of my life, man. The times that I was onstage with them doing ‘Casanova’ or ‘Baby Hold on to Me’ or ‘Wind Beneath My Wings’ — to me, those are priceless.

“Even now, when I go and perform those songs by myself, they’re medicine. The most therapeutic time I have in my whole life is that hour and a half that I do onstage. Because for an hour and a half, I don’t think about nothing but the music. Don’t think about the pain in my knees. Don’t think about the pain in my back. Don’t think about how I feel bad. All of that goes away as soon as I start doing that music.” [TPD]

Although Eddie spoke to his sons everyday and told them he loved them all the time, he still has deep regrets of not being the best father to his sons that he thought he should have been:

Gerald Levert with his mom, Martha
Gerald Levert with his mom, Martha

“When Gerald and Sean passed away, I wanted to really blame myself because I felt like it was some things I could’ve kept them from seeing that I did in my life, as a father. You know what I’m saying? People say, ‘You’re a great dad,’ and all of that, but I’m a person, too, you know?

I used to take them on the road with me, because it was my wife’s chance to get her break. I’d take the kids for the summer and she’d be able to get off into her ministry as being one of Jehovah’s witnesses. She was a great woman; she just had a rotten man. You know? And I can speak of that guy as being a rotten man because he didn’t know what he had and he didn’t know who he was or what he should’ve been doing. It was ignorance. I had to learn.

And so, consequently, they saw me do some things that … I thought they should’ve been in bed, but the person that was taking care of them, they was out partying so they was out partying and they saw me out partying. That’s how it works.” [Ebony]

eddie gerald and seanHow Gerald and Sean’s death were wake-up calls for Eddie to be a better father to his youngest child- his 13 year old daughter:

“Now I make time to go to the school programs, the school outings, the graduations,” Levert said.

“I try to be there on those special days. . . . With Gerald and Sean, I didn’t go, because I was always on the road.

“Playing. Going to the park. Cooking breakfast. Those little things right there are so very important.

“This is what you need to be doing with your children. You don’t need nobody outside of you to be their role model. You need to be their role model. That’s what I’ve been working on. That’s how Gerald and Sean made me better.” [TPD]

Eddie Levert
Eddie’s advice to parents who are still blessed to have their children here with them:

“Spend time with those kids. At the end of the day, if something happens to them, you’re going to hurt. But you won’t have regret.”

“I’m still grieving. I don’t think I’m ever going to get past that. I wake up some mornings and I would love just to talk to them, to reach over and pick up the phone. The only thing I can tell you is that those boys knew that I loved them, ’cause I told them every day. We talked every day. They knew that I loved them.”

Sean and Gerald have unfortunately transitioned on, but they have left their father with one of the greatest gifts anyone could ask for- the gift of wisdom. Although we wish they were still here, the lessons they’ve given Eddie are beautiful, because now with his younger kids and his grandchildren, he has a chance to try to get it right in honor of his beloved sons. We hope that Eddie; Sean’s and Gerald’s mother, Martha; and their children continue to find ways to properly cope with their extreme heartache.

Source 1, Source 2