Tag Archives: Mary J Blige

Mary J. Blige is not done with her estranged husband, Kendu Isaacs. He may have thought he was gonna take his $30,000 a month and walk away scot-free, but Mary isn’t letting him off the hook that easy. According to TMZ, homegirl has clapped back yet again with an interesting legal demand. Since Kendu claims he’s entitled to Mary’s money, she feels he should also have to bear the burden of all that is associated with the money, including their tax woes. It’s just been reported that the estranged pair’s community is actually worth negative $11,622,614.00, most of which would go to the IRS for back taxes. Since Kendu wants Mary’s money, he should also have to deal with the downside to it…so says Mary…

Pay Up Or Shut Up:

It has been reported that Mary is demanding Kendu pay roughly $6 million to squash their beef – $5,990,357 to be exact. In a nutshell, she wants the tax debt split down the middle since he believes things should be “split.” Seems fair, right? Of course, we all know Kendu probably can’t pay that since he made it clear he’s having such a hard time finding employment because of Mary’s songs defaming his character – allegedly. But regardless of how he sees it, Mary does have a point.

2015: Singer Mary J. Blige (Photo by Cindy Ord/Getty Images for Casa Reale)

Give And Take:

According to the court documents, Mary is also still fighting to have those hefty spousal support payments cut. Right now, she’s bearing the burden of their massive tax debt; apparently, something that was accumulated during the marriage. So, she feels she should only have to deal with one or the other; not both. In other words, Mary paying the IRS and Kendu seems to be a bit much since they are, technically, both responsible for the tax debt.

Mary J. and soon-to-be-ex-husband, Kendu Isaacs

It’ll be quite interesting to see how Kendu responds to Mary’s latest demands. It’s probably safe to say he’ll counter with yet another excuse to support his claims of struggling. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like these two will be coming to an agreement anytime soon. Kendu most likely doesn’t have $6 million and since he actually wanted $125,000 a month, which was denied, and recently petitioned to have his temporary spousal support payments increased from $30,000 a month to $65,000, he’s definitely not going to want to lose those checks anytime soon neither. So, it looks like Mary and Kendu will be going back and forth for quite a while and we, here at ILoveOldSchoolMusic, will probably be reporting more of their unfortunate divorce drama real soon.

Mary J. Blige has been trying to get rid of her son-to-be-ex-husband, Kendu Isaacs, for nearly a year now and even though they’ve reached a temporary divorce settlement, he’s still giving her hell in court. As we recently reported, apparently, Kendu wasn’t happy with the $30,000 a month the “Not Gon’ Cry” singer was court ordered to pay. So he petitioned the judge for an increase of more than double the monthly amount he’s already receiving – $65,000 a month to be exact. Although his request has now reportedly been denied by the judge, unfortunately, that doesn’t let Mary off the hook.

NEW YORK, NY, 2015- Mary J. Blige and Kendu Isaacs (Photo by Cindy Ord/Getty Images)

Still Payin’ Mailbox Money:

According to The Blast, Mary is still stuck paying Kendu $30,000 a month for a relatively disheartening reason. The judge refuses to exclude Mary’s royalties from her current income, which is reportedly why Kendu was granted so much in the first place. However, Mary is arguing that the $30,000 she’s currently paying Kendu, is a sum that includes royalties she’s paid for her past works, which consist of hit songs and albums she recorded long before they got married.

Mary Denied…Again

Although Mary has seen even more success since splitting from Kendu, with her latest records like “Set Me Free” and “Love Yourself,” songs like “Not Gon’ Cry” were already circulating years before they tied the knot. Since Mary had been in the music game for more than 10 years when she married Kendu, she believes royalty money is something he shouldn’t be entitled to, but to no avail. The judge has reportedly opted to put aside Mary’s concerns to be discussed at a later date. But until that time comes, she’ll be stuck paying some of her mailbox money to Kendu.

APRIL 16, 2015: Mary J. Blige and Kendu Isaacs (Photo by Jim Spellman/WireImage)

Digging For Gold?:

The latest unfavorable ruling for Mary, follows a string of reports about Kendu’s major divorce demands. By now, everyone probably knows Kendu’s uh…ambitious demands, which included $125,000 monthly payments, luxury vehicles, and even money for his children. With all that he’s demanded, along with his attempts to justify is actions, Mary’s fans are convinced Kendu’s now just digging to get the most out of her. Hopefully, Mary and Kendu each get what they are rightfully due from Mary’s earnings soon…no matter how large or small that sum may be for Kendu. He was Mary’s husband for 13+ years, so let’s face it, he definitely deserves something, but the keywords here are ‘rightfully due’…’nuff said.

Mary J. Blige’s soon-to-be-ex husband Kendu Isaacs (we know we’ve been saying that for months now, but their divorce is STILL pending), has been off the scene for a while now. Matter of fact, the last time the public heard anything from him, was in June (2017), when he threatened to reveal “the truth” about Mary, if she didn’t stop doggin’ him in her performances:


Of course, Kendu’s threats got the cold shoulder from Mary, because she kept bashing him for allegedly cheating on her and for demanding a whopping $130K a month in spousal support. At the 2017 Essence Fest in July, Mary J. vented about Kendu to the crowd during her performance, soon after she had been court ordered to shell out $30K to Kendu in temporary spousal support:

Mary J.: “How is it that somebody gets to cheat and destroy everybody’s life but I’ve got to pay for it? That ain’t fair!” […] For me ladies, I’m a little crazy, maybe a lot, but I’m more selfish with my relationships. And what I will not appreciate is my man coming home comparing me to Suzy on the job. […] Don’t ever compare me to nobody because there’s only one Mary J. Blige out there.”

Here’s The Latest Legal Action Kendu’s Reportedly Taking Against Mary

Now, months later, Kendu has reportedly resurfaced and filed new legal docs against Mary, to get more money from her. Here’s what was reported via The Blast:

According to documents obtained by The Blast, Isaacs says he has been unemployed since the divorce case was filed, and claims Blige is trashing him in the press, hindering his ability to get a job. He points out the singer has released two songs, “Love Yourself” and “Set Me Free” which he says are now known as her “divorce songs.” He says Blige has seen a surge in success as a result of the breakup.

Meanwhile, Isaacs says since leaving the $8 million he shared with Blige, he’s shacking up in a 1,400 sq. ft. apartment in Los Angeles. He says he needs more money from Blige just to survive. He’s apparently done the math too … he’s asking for $65,000 per month, which he says should be a drop in the bucket for Blige, who he claims has $275,476 per month available for support payments.

Before Mary pays Kendu, she has a new $1.7 million IRS bill that she and Isaacs accumulated together. Right now, it looks like that recent tax lien the IRS reportedly hit the former couple with, will be falling on Mary’s shoulders…if Kendu can’t earn the income he needs to foot his portion of the bill. Thoughts ILOSM fam?’


As Mary J. Blige continues to try and move on with her personal life, it looks like she’s still tied to her soon-to-be-ex-husband, Kendu Isaacs. By now, everyone probably knows Mary is paying about $30,000 a month in spousal support, but in addition to that burden, she’s been hit with another big bill. This time, it’s the IRS demanding money. According to Bossip, the IRS is demanding a back tax payment of $1.7 million – $1,764,724 to be exact.

The Massive Tax Lein:

It has been reported that the Internal Revenue Service hit Mary and Kendu with the federal tax lien sometime last week. The publication has reportedly obtained a copy of the public record and revealed the consequences Mary could face if she and Kendu are unable to pay the debt.

“The Internal Revenue Service last week slapped the one time couple with a federal tax lien for $1.7 million in back taxes. In total, the feds said their couple – who are in the midst of a bitter divorce – are in the hole to the tune of $1,764,724, according to public records obtained by Bossip. The IRS doesn’t mess around when it comes to collecting debts, so Mary and Kendu could face seizure of their homes, cash or other assets in order to pay the bill.”

Since Mary has been ordered to pay Kendu $30,000 on a monthly basis, she’s hit the road for a tour in hopes of bringing in money to defray some of the costs she’s facing.

Mary J. Blige and Kendu Isaacs (Photo by Cindy Ord/Getty Images)

Misappropriating Funds?:

Unfortunately for Mary, the latest federal tax lien comes just months after Mary accused Kendu of misappropriating more than $400,000 of her money on “dubious business expenses.” But despite the allegations the singer has made against Kendu, it looks like she’ll be the one facing the consequences, as it’s her money that will most likely pay the tax debt. Hopefully, Mary can bounce back from the financial hits she’s facing.

Mary J. Blige and her estranged ex-husband, Kendu Isaacs, have been battling it out for months now. The downward spiral of their marriage has made tons of headlines due to the outlandish demands Kendu has made during their legal battle. From requesting more than $125,000 a month in spousal support, to demanding additional funds for his children from previous relationships, Kendu went over and beyond with his requests, despite the speculation of infidelity. Although Mary and Kendu had been together for years, his recent actions led many fans to believe he was only after her money, to begin with. Apparently, Mary feels the same way. During a new interview, Mary decided to speak her mind yet again, and she didn’t mince words when it came to her disapproval of Kendu, reports The Jasmine Brand.

Mary Claps Back:

When asked about the divorce battle and how she’s been coping with everything, Mary didn’t make an effort to paint a pretty picture. She was brutally honest about how she’s been handling everything. The “Not Gon’ Cry” singer also made her view of Kendu very clear.

“I’m doing OK. I’m living. I’m not happy about a lot of things. I thought someone loved me, right? Turns out, he was a con artist and he didn’t, and now he’s coming after me for all my money.”

Mary J. Blige and then husband, Kendu Isaacs (Photo by Cindy Ord/Getty Images)

She went on to share her views of the relationship, now that she’s on the outside looking in. According to Mary, their disheartening divorce journey has shown her a lot about the man she married. Mary now believes she was never the one for Kendu and that he always had ulterior motives. But despite his reported attempts to get his hands on Mary’s money, he didn’t get anything near what he requested…at least for now. As we previously reported, Mary was ordered to pay $30,000 a month in temporary spousal support, instead of the $130,000 he initially demanded. That amount could change though after the final agreement is reached.

“When you come out of something like that, you realize you were never the one. There was someone else that was his queen. I got played. I got suckered. I have to keep smiling and keep my spirits up because this is designed to kill me,” said Mary J..

Moving On:

Of course, it ain’t been easy, but Mary is making an effort to keep it pushin’ with her life. Now, she’s focused on her career again. For those who don’t know, Mary has been working on a Netflix film called Mudbound. She explained how her marital problems have served as a source of inspiration for her acting.

“I used a lot of my own heaviness from my own misery that I was living in that horrible marriage. I was just dying in it. I knew something was wrong. I just couldn’t prove it. I just had all the heaviness of not feeling right, not feeling good. I gave it to Florence [the character she played].”

Y’all can check out Mary in Mudbound when it’s released on November 17, 2017 on Netflix.


We all know Mary J. Blige has been going through some things. Her pending divorce from her soon-to-be-ex-husband, Kendu Isaacs, as well as the recent news that she owes the IRS $6.5M in back taxes, are pretty stressful to say the least. That’s why it was cool to see her finally getting a lil’ rest and relaxation with her sister, Latonya Blige, on Tuesday (Aug. 29, 2017).

Mary J. (R) with her sister, Latonya Blige (L)

Mary and Latonya were just spotted on a quick vacation, after Mary was forced to cancel her upcoming Houston, TX concert. As we all have seen, residents of Houston and the surrounding areas are unfortunately  severely struggling in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, the worst natural disaster in Texas’ history. Our thoughts and prayers are with them all.

Mary J. and Latonya Blige

Mary’s concert cancellation is probably why she had her mini vacation in Miami Beach. Photos have surfaced of ‘Ms. No More Tears’ and I must say, her 46 year old bikini body is bangin!’ Check out the pics of Mary and Latonya below…

Mary J. with sister, Latonya in Miami, FL



As far as Mary’s and Kendu’s divorce, it’s still pending as their divorce attorneys hash out the details of their divorce settlement. So for now, Mary has been ordered, by the judge, to pay Kendu $30K monthly in temporary spousal support. His previous request was $130K per month.

Mary J. Blige and Kendu Isaacs during happier times (Photo by Cindy Ord/Getty Images)

As it stands now, Mary can’t stand Kendu- her husband of 11 years- and Kendu has threatened to expose ‘the real truth‘ about their marriage if Mary doesn’t stop blasting him in public. After Kendu’s threats, Mary still hasn’t stopped and from the looks of it, she doesn’t plan to any time soon. Hopefully they’ll reach an amicable divorce agreement and move past this soon.

Mary J. Blige(Photo by Neilson Barnard/Getty Images)

Sometimes when it rains, it pours, and apparently, it’s a full fledge hurricane in the personal life of Mary J. Blige right about now. In the midst of going through her bitter divorce from her husband, Kendu Isaacs, Mary is unfortunately having major tax trouble yet again.

According to DailyMail, Ms.’What’s The 411′ owes a whopping $6.5 MILLION to Uncle Sam! Ain’t that something?!! It’s being reported that on August 8, 2017, Mary filed an Income and Expense Declaration in a Los Angeles, Cali. court. This comes after she was recently ordered by a judge to shell out $30K in temporary spousal support to Kendu, who initially requested $130K monthly.

Below are the details of what Mary says she now earns monthly and the new court docs that have been filed.

Via DM: [Mary J. Blige] owes ‘unpaid back taxes of approximately $6.5 million for the years 2008 through 2016.’ Documents obtained exclusively by DailyMail.com, reveal the star earns $326,930 a month – with royalties and earnings from her production company being her main source of cash. The singer made a note of her debt after reporting a change in income due to a ‘large reduction in my royalties’ over the past year. Expense records show she currently pays $14,000 a month for her Los Angeles rental and $2,340 for her two Mercedes-Benz. Her monthly expenses also include mortgage interest, insurance, and real estate taxes for her three homes across New York and New Jersey. Court papers also show the recording artist claimed the former couple’s estate is ‘underwater’ to the tune of $10 million and Isaacs contributes nothing to expenses and upkeep.

Mary J.’s Saddle River, NJ mansion where she and Kendu once lived

It was also reported that in 2015, Mary J. listed for sale, her 8-bedroom, 10-bathroom, Saddle River, New Jersey mansion, but at this point, it’s still on the market. According to MailOnline, ‘it was listed as “un-rentable,” along with her property in Cresskill which has been boarded up by the city and is in a state of “disrepair.”‘

Mary J. Blige and husband/ manager Kendu Isaacs (Photo by Cindy Ord/Getty Images for 2015 Tribeca Film Festival)

Currently, Mary’s and Kendu’s divorce proceedings still haven’t been hashed out and Mary J. is still performing and blasting Kendu at her concerts, for his financial demands and alleged cheating.

So far, Kendu has remained mostly silent about Mary’s accusations that he cheated on her and spent $419K on expensive trips with his alleged mistress. However, he did publicly threaten to expose “the truth” behind their marriage if Mary doesn’t stop dragging him through the mud in the media. What exactly is “the truth” Kendu’s referring to? I guess only time will tell. Best wishes to both of them though…a divorce after 12 years of marriage is never easy.

Kendu Isaacs and his daughter, Brianna

As we all know by now, Mary J. Blige and her husband, Kendu Isaacs, can’t stand each other right now- more Mary than Kendu, since she’s the one shelling out $30K a month in temporary spousal support to her soon-to-be-ex. On the flip side though, there’s a third party involved, who at one point couldn’t really stand Kendu either…that is his daughter, Briana Isaacs.

Mary J. Blige and soon-to-be-ex husband, Kendu Isaacs (Photo by Cindy Ord/Getty Images for 2015 Tribeca Film Festival)

It’s pretty evident that when Mary J. married her then manager, Kendu, she also upgraded his quality of life in a major way. Mary was already THE Mary J. Blige when they met and throughout their marriage, she was the breadwinner, while Kendu was her rock. Welp, according to Briana, Mary changed her life too- for the better.

For one thing, Briana is reaping the benefits of her dad being Mary’s husband to this day. If not for that connection to the ‘411’ Queen, Briana would not have become a celebrity in her own right on this season of “Growing Up Hip Hop.” On the show, she’s described in the screen captions as “Mary J. Blige’s stepdaughter,” not as Kendu Isaacs’ child.

In addition to that, Briana made it clear, on the July 28th (2017) episode of the show, that before Mary was with her Pops, she was “eating Kraft singles and drinking Kool-aid.” That reveal came out in the midst of her conversation she had on the show with Pepa’s (of Salt N’ Pepa) daughter and niece at the ‘I Love the 90’s Tour,’ which Salt N’ Pepa were performing at.

At the 33:05 mark in the video below, Briana told them that attending the 90’s concert brought back horrible memories of her ‘pre-Mary J. years.’

Briana: “It’s [the 90’s] a…difficult time for me, I was very alone…I don’t wanna feel like that again. And I think that listening to those songs, brings up feelings that I don’t care for. […] I fuc**in’ HATED the 90’s! I was a latchkey kid. Before my dad met Mary J. Blige, I ate Kraft singles and drank Kool-Aid. The concert totally triggered some PTSD that I didn’t even know existed.”


Now I get why Briana was standing up for her father’s demand of $140K monthly from Mary, a few months ago. She probably had those PTSD feelings of her life going back to her’ pre-Mary J.’ years.

On a brighter note, Mary J. just celebrated 25 years in the game with the 25th anniversary of her debut album What’s The 411?. Check out what she posted below…


Congrats to Mary on her continued success and best wishes to Briana Isaacs’ journey of recovering from her pre-Mary J. turmoil.

Okay ILOSM family, what other way do we know Mary J. to be, other than real? Go ‘head and think about it, we’ll wait. If you’re like us, here at ILOSM, then you probably can’t seem to pinpoint that answer because there is none. Mary J. Blige should officially make her middle name ‘real’ since real is the only way she knows how to rock and we’re not mad at that one bit. Mary’s recent performance at Essence Festival 2017 was no different.

Kendu Isaacs and Mary J. Blige

Most of us been watching the unfortunate divorce drama of Mary and her soon-to-be-ex-husband of 12 years, Kendu Isaacs, unfold all over social media and television. Mary has blasted dude for cheating on her and her fans have clobbered him for demanding $130K in spousal support from her. While Kendu has recently untapped his mute button to publicly blast Mary J. for bashing him during her Soul Train Awards performance. He then threatened to tell the “truth” about their marriage, although he never quite specified what was untrue about it. However, if you missed what Kendu said, here it is…


Well, apparently Mary J. couldn’t care less about what Kendu is saying because yet again, she took to the stage to slam the hell outta her husband. During her Essence performance, she spoke out for the first time since the court ordered her to pay Kendu $30K a month in temporary spousal support a few weeks ago. Check out what she vented about onstage below…
Mary started off by saying:

“How is it that somebody gets to cheat and destroy everybody’s life but I’ve got to pay for it? That ain’t fair!”

She then spoke directly to the ladies about Kendu and how he tried to compare her to a mediocre female, while also admitting a shortcoming of her own:

“For me ladies, I’m a little crazy, maybe a lot, but I’m more selfish with my relationships. And what I will not appreciate is my man coming home comparing me to Suzy on the job. […] Don’t ever compare me to nobody because there’s only one Mary J. Blige out there.”

And to wrap up her vent session, she gave the fellas a tip on how to treat their women:

“You can’t have two queens.”

The crowd of course went wild and Mary proceeded to give a helluva performance. Y’all know Mary has always performed better when she was going through something.

Mary J.’s new album, Strength of a Woman, is all about the pain she’s gone through during her marriage and pending divorce from Kendu. So as far as Kendu wanting her to stop telling her side of the story, well, it doesn’t look like he’s gonna get that wish. The only thing he can probably do now is play the same game- if he doesn’t want to be seen as a money grubbin,’ cheating husband- and that is to speak out and tell his side…or forever hold his peace and let the chips fall where they may. Best wished to them both.

Mary J. Blige and her soon-to-be-ex husband, Kendu Isaacs,’ marriage may be on a road to no return, but Kendu’s daughter is just getting started with her newfound fame. Brianna Kamara (formerly Isaacs) is now a reality TV star, who was featured on season 2 of Growing Up Hip Hop and quite frankly, if it wasn’t for her (and Rockafella music legend, Damon Dash) being a part of the show, it probably would have been kinda boring.

Kendu Isaacs and his daughter, Brianna

On the show, Brianna discussed some seriously tough situations she’s endured and she also got a chance to get to know James Debarge’s daughter, Kristinia Debarge. During one of their meet-ups Kristinia was breaking down the recent rumor to Brianna about James and Janet Jackson allegedly having a secret baby.

Brianna’s Shade

It’s no secret that Kistinia has spent the last year or so, trying to get to the bottom of the truth regarding the alleged love child her Pops believes exists. But what made Kristinia’s and Brianna’s exchange even more interesting, was the blatant shade Brianna threw at James Debarge afterwards. See what she said and check out her video clip below…

Kristinia Debarge (L); her father/singer, James Debarge (R)

“I don’t really read the tabloids, but I feel like every time I hear about them Kristinia’s family in ’em,” said Brianna.

Briana on the Janet/James love child rumor:

“I wouldn’t be surprised is there is a baby because people be doing all kinds of crazy things. I wouldn’t be surprised if he sold this story for dope. Crackheads do a lot of things.”

Ouch! We all know James Debarge has admitted to having a serious drug problem on and off, so I guess we can’t blame Brianna for her shade. As you can see, Mary J.’s step-daughter has a trait similar to her step-mom: she speaks her mind at all times. Sadly, another thing she has in common with her step-momma, Mary, is that she, too, had a past addiction to hard drugs, which makes her jab at James Debarge even more ironic.

Mary J. Blige and soon-to-be-ex-husband/record producer, Kendu Isaacs

Kendu’s Daughter Speaks On Her Past Drug Addiction

Brianna revealed, on another episode of WeTV’s Growing Up Hip Hop, that starting at age 12, she became addicted to drugs and had a rough relationship with her parents. She tried a lot of drugs and admitted that her situation only worsened after moving to Miami at 15 to live with her grandmother:

Brianna (Isaacs) Kamara: “I did a lot of drugs and hung out. I ended up in some pretty unsavory situations, and I’m just blessed to be here. I had a drug of choice which was methamphetamine. Anything that I could do, I would do…Once I got to Miami, I found cocaine. I also found ecstasy and a bunch of prescription pills. I didn’t know how bad it was until I was kicked out of school for the third time.”

Today at 30 years old, thankfully Brianna’s drug days are behind her and she’s focused on raising her toddler. She also finds peace by doing what she loves- photography and painting. Now if we can just get her Pops and Stepmom to find some peace, because Lawd knows they need it. Mary’s been stressed because of the money she has to shell out to Kendu in spousal support; and Kendu’s probably been stressing because he had to nervously wait (up until recently) to see when and if a judge was gonna grant him any money from Mary. Kendu’s now getting $30K a month in temporary spousal support, but that may change in the near future…for better or worse.